Should a trader be greedy? - page 3

Konstantin Erin:

but I have no moose - and where's the risk in that? It's calculation, forethought, ...

It's just, you're raising a fat moose!

PapaYozh:   It's just, you're raising a fat moose!

it's gonna be a moose, a moose, a mega moose... But before that, I almost doubled my deposit!!!

Konstantin Erin:

it's gonna be a moose, a moose, a mega moose... But before that, I almost doubled my deposit!!!

Not a deposit, a demo account.

denis.eremin not a deposit - a demo account

and what a beautiful chart! And it's all on the plus side... 1% on the plus side!!!


not a deposit - a demo account

Would you be able to show results on a demo account?


Would you be able to show results in a demo?

Any fool could.

It's easy - you open 100 accounts, trade different trades or different TS, choose one account, the most successful, publish statistics and write that all ... and you are a dartan


Any fool can do it.

It's easy - you open 100 accounts, trade different trades or different TS, choose one account, the most successful, publish statistics and write that all ... and you're a dartan

Well here you are wrong - Open at least 100 and publish as everyone publishes the signal.


And we will come to your page - and watch your progress.

Photo by


Well, you are wrong here - open up at least 100 and publish like everyone else publishes the signal.

What is the point? The signals are free on demo accounts.

Just for the sake of telling everyone about dartenian?


What's the point? The signals are free on the demo accounts

Just for the sake of telling everyone about dArtenian?

You can open a real account - and also publish the Signal - and you can still earn from subscribers.


You can open a real account - and publish the Signal in the same way - and you can also earn money from subscribers.

Go back to the top of the page and read it all over again