From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 102

Igor Makanu:

It's a bit pricey for a pensioner.

According to my observations, booze that can be identified in any way is now worth a thousand rubles or more.

ZS: We have a whole range of so-called distillers in shops of the industrial group (household, construction, electrical ...) now everywhere? I think that the distiller + a few pounds of sugar is practical, people take it actively, there were even specialized shops distillers, I think I saw an ad or heard on the radio - the name of the shop "Pervachok" )))))

Today's cognacs go by the formula of "fools' fools". Poured sawdust in a container of stainless steel - put 7 stars. Who has weak taste buds will not distinguish 3 or 7 stars, and the label for the rich morons tasty where there are more stars.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

For me (and many others) the point is, and quite simply, to look for differences in price from the SB.

The reason for using SB is not necessary at all, in fact, it is probably the most difficult way to search for patterns.

There is a second not so obvious reason for using SB - if the strategy gives a plus on SB, it means that somewhere an error has crept in

Sommeliers have already gathered in the branch. They know about everything and are exPerds in everything.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
The sommeliers are all over the place. They know about everything and are ex-Perds at everything.

Well, there's got to be something to diversify your clown company.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

Well, there's got to be something to diversify your clown company.

What's your company? We've had magicians and sorcerers in the circus, clowns too, as it turns out...
Evgeniy Chumakov:

What's your company? Wizards and sorcerers in the circus, clowns as it turns out...
Spectators. Watching and laughing)
Andrei Trukhanovich:

It is not necessary at all, and it is probably the most difficult way of finding patterns.

In my opinion, it is practically the only way. At least all testing metrics can be interpreted in this sense, although of course they are more about the difference between equity and SB.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

There is a second not so obvious reason to use SB - if the strategy gives plus on SB, it means there is a mistake somewhere

Mathematically, the point is very similar - by itself the profit positivity on SB says nothing. You have to make sure that profit positivity is significant by rejecting the null hypothesis of zero profit. Although, of course, the harsh practical eye may be much more practical here)

Onlookers. Watching and laughing)

The soldiers sit and laugh. Good thing about the habit! (c) Mango-mango

Spectators. Watch and laugh)

Then pay for the ticket or leave the premises. Persons with disabilities and children are free to enter.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

In my opinion, this is practically the only way.

remember the artificial linking of the chif to the euro? only lazybones didn't trade it. you didn't need to have any basis at all to detect it.

Well, imagine that there are probably patterns that can be detected in a similar way, only the ways of detection are either much less obvious or much more labour-intensive.