From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 13

Evgeniy Chumakov:

It's been posted 1000 times already.

It doesn't work on any TF price with any sample.

So, Alexander comes out and honestly admits defeat.

I don't need to abandon the forum - I just need to admit that the price series differs from the SB because it has some hidden patterns.

And any fool can pull an owl on a globe (to fit the parameters of any TS to a particular section of the numerical sequence).

The simplest TS with two bags can be fitted to any chart - on a test sample they will merge....


I don't really care whether he leaves the forum or not - this is the first time I've spoken to him.

Just wanted to check the sincerity of his beliefs. Hmmm... Looks like the guy seriously believes that you can't make money on SB...

And the Wizard said: "Trader begins to make money in the market when he understands that it's easy to make money on the SB".

That's a lie. That's not the first time you've spoken to me.

I don't know if it's the first time you've had this conversation with me. Usually the wizards would just blow it right off.


All I'll admit is that this method works on the SB and doesn't work. in the market. This is true and many people know it.

And after that, how can you argue that price VR is simpler than SB? I don't get it...

So show how it "works" on a test sample.

Post the TS with the parameters obtained on the training sample.

We'll all run it together here and see.


Well, then, Alexander comes out and honestly admits defeat.

No need to leave the forum - just admit that the price series differs from the SB in that there are hidden patterns in it.

And any fool can pull an owl on a globe (to fit the parameters of any TS to a particular section of the numerical sequence).

The most simple TS with two bags can be fitted to any chart - on a test sample they will merge....

In general, if you do not mind, you may test his system.

The indicator is like this:

In the sliding window (let Sasha say sampling) calculate the sum of price increments SUM += ц0 - ц1 and the absolute sum of price increments ABS += Abs(ц0 - ц1)

then D = 2.5758 * (ABS/Sqrt(n sample size))

Buy if SUM < -D close if SUM >= 0

Sell if SUM > D closing at SUM <= 0


Well, that's fine. That's not what I want after all...

I want the Truth.

Oooooh, Count, that's dishonest!

You're the one who proposed the wager and set the rules!

Admit your defeat - leaving the forum is not necessary, but admitting the fact that the price range is better predictable than the SB is necessary

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Excuse me, Eugene, but the count himself offered the bet!


There was a member here a long time ago who used to write the same thing to all the wizards - "make state". Usually the wizards would just blow it right off.

Come on... There's a dumb guy who's " that guy"... How can you tell if you're being shown the right "state" or some other fake one?

ANY information has to be verified by the trader ... and there is no other way ...


But here - you need a straight. And I have a hard time with cash in the market, unlike SB analysis.

In half an hour my TS will start trading on the real, so I'll post the data at the "test" section at the weekend. OK?

Alejandro, do you admit defeat in the bet you PROPOSED?


No, of course not. That would ruin Magic, and that can't be allowed to happen under any circumstances.

Then post the TS - we'll all run it on a test sample


Then post the TS - we'll all run it on a test sample

Read above I've already posted.

От теории к практике. Часть 2
От теории к практике. Часть 2
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