Laboratory - statistical analysis of price charts. - page 8


I had to learn how to draw python charts

I decided to use polar coordinates to draw EURUSD on the intraday by minutes,

I doubt that it is analyzable, but it is beautiful ))))

shared on google

Alexander Ivanov:


How do you use it on a trade?

Not on, but in) For example, in options trading.
All candlesticks are infinitely variable, but they all share only two facts related to statistics (which work equally well in any market, be it eurusd, coffee beef or stocks I don't know why). You'll find out how good you are) the main thing is that you're on the right track.
I am telling you this because I do not want you to be led into a swamp of extraneous unnecessary calculations with your absolutely correct judgments.
PS: I do not want to tell about them because it is a big research work and ways of applying these facts to trading is my intellectual property. I am sorry.

Out of curiosity I was comparing the OHLC of the stock market and the currency market, the body of the candle is larger in percentage points on the stock market, which indicates a greater trendiness of the stock market, which we have known for a long time)

I did not notice anything unusual, I just did not twist these candles, except for the periodic pattern I did not notice anything, andnow you have intrigued me, I have missed something, please give me a hint)

Igor Makanu:

I had to learn how to draw python charts

I decided to use polar coordinates to draw EURUSD on the intraday by minutes,

I doubt that it is analyzable, but it is beautiful ))))

I shared it on google

It's quite fascinating ))

Igor Makanu:

I had to learn how to draw python charts

I decided to use polar coordinates to draw EURUSD on the intraday by minutes,

I doubt that it is analyzable, but it is beautiful ))))

shared on google

Here it is, a spherical horse in a vacuum

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Here it is, a spherical horse in a vacuum

I think it's more accurate - a spherical horse in a google colubus.

great thing! - everything works out of the box, in a couple of dozen lines, at least get all the graphs you want ))))

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from google.colab import drive
path = r"/content/drive/MyDrive/img/"

def ReadData(f_name):
    result = {}
    file_data = np.genfromtxt(f_name, delimiter=';',dtype = None)
    for d in file_data:
        row = list(d)
        key = row.pop(0)
        result[key] = [x for x in row if np.isnan(x) == False]
    return result

def SaveChart(day, arr) :
    title_name = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime(day))
    f_name = path + title_name + ".png"
    x = np.linspace(0.0, 2*np.pi, len(arr))
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
    plt.plot(x, arr, c = "r")
    plt.savefig(f_name, dpi=100)

# --- MAIN ---
data = ReadData('data.csv')
for k in data.keys() :  
    SaveChart(k, data[k])

csv format: datetime ; open ; open ;

Igor Makanu:

I had to learn how to draw python charts

I decided to use polar coordinates to draw EURUSD on the intraday by minutes,

I doubt that it is analyzable, but it is beautiful ))))

I googled it

It would be good to fix the "vertical" scale (which is in pips).

Then the cartoon would be more visual.

Dmitriy Skub:
Not on, but in) For example, in options trading.



Tic saturation histograms don't indicate direction then.

Igor Makanu:

I think it's more accurate - a spherical horse in a google colubus.

great thing! - everything works out of the box, in a couple of dozen lines, at least get all the graphs you want ))))

csv format: datetime ; open ; open;

well, yeah, handy, no need to install anything

Alexander Ivanov:



Tic saturation histograms don't indicate the direction then.

Hi! As the unforgettable Reshetov used to say - "which way is up"))

There are some option structures, for which the price direction is not important - as long as the price moves.

I'm planning an article on this subject when I have time.