Market sentiment index - page 2


The correct name for this indicator is: "Sultonov's Mood Indicator".

Comrade Sultonov's mood goes to zero when he has less money.

And vice versa, as soon as they increase slightly, the mood of the comrade rises.


The correct name for this indicator is: "Sultonov's Mood Indicator".

Comrade Sultonov's mood goes to zero when he has less money.

And vice versa, as soon as they increase slightly, the mood of the comrade increases.

Don't worry, not everyone can understand this general market sentiment index. A "little" is 350% p.a. This "little bit" can both drain and raise your initial deposit to the sky. It will be a while before you get the point of this thread.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

And the market, amicably, moved up, apparently something important happened and the index went up from 0.64411 to 0.67569 by 5% and continues to rise:

yeah, it's always like that, something happens)

it's time to admit by now that nothing has happened to your maths, not to say you're a fraud

if you have the truth, we can discuss it here now

Why am I writing this, you are claiming, in all your wits, claiming

and that could hurt someone or even a family.

Are you willing to discuss what you're doing here? With your experience it shouldn't be too hard.


The market mood at the moment according to my indicator

Индикатор Султонова
Индикатор Султонова
Индикатор прогнозирует предполагаемый ход цены в будущем, анализируя заложенную историю в виде заданной ретроспективы.

The market sentiment was once again reversed - down:


On days, your indicator behaves like this

and on the clock, like this

The process of breaking down the forex spine must be carried out exclusively in the factory.
The process of breaking the backbone of forex should only be done in the factory.


You just don't need to look at the indicator, but at least think about how to keep the programme within the risk limit without stopping it.

A few years ago I wrote this kind of post and immediately deleted it.

Now I realise that it is difficult to do so, so I let the post live.

Renat Akhtyamov:


You just don't need to look at the indicator, but at least think about how to keep the programme within the risk limit without stopping it.

A few years ago I wrote this kind of post and immediately erased it

now i realise that it is difficult to do so, so i leave the post alive.

From the day's point of view, it's a textbook flat today... just like a tittle-tattle ;-)

The same can be calculated from opening moments (from arbitrary points). If you are too lazy to count or all your forces are in the factory, you may draw diagonals
If you close losses in the flat (in the middle) and profits only outside,
any series of trades becomes profitable - the question is only time and MM.
Then you should rack your brain not to wait, not to create series and not to fall into complex percentages not by profit


On days, your indicator behaves like this

and on the clock, like this.

Please explain.