The NSP and the paradoxes of nature - page 63

Maxim Kuznetsov:

There are some ideas and a lot of misconceptions about the ring, but they are only suitable for a mental experiment.
Because such a ring in general in reality = 0, and all the differences are only on paper. Bought quid in two piles, sold in one and vice versa. 3 trades on papers, 0 on currency portfolio.

1) We open trades by the ring, carefully matching the volume, profit=0.

BUT daily volatility, absolute values and seasonality are different. After some time, the portfolio is still one 0, the shoulders have moved apart.
We lock each individual trade and do we get similar 0-ring from lots (similar to what we open with method #1) ?

volume is equal to balance/point value or multiple of

and the equi will be zero minus the spread.

if you hold for a long time, minus the swap.

Therefore, when trading both crosses and majors, some part of the portfolio will become a "burden" that will eventually pull down the equity to minus, equal to the balance.

like this:


let's go further

Having plotted the equity indicator, we can detect the following property of different instruments

EURUSD * USDCHF is equivalent to EURUSD + USDCHF and the latter is equivalent to EURCHF

when dividing the volume into parts, it is again possible to create a triangle

So, the best trading option is one pair.


let's move on

Let us think about the foreign exchange reserves for countries where the reserve currency is the dollar and the national currency is not the dollar.

What do we get?

A triangle!

you can easily collapse any part of it while keeping the equity at zero

e.g., oil for quid below zero, or the national currency can be told about inflation (because it's "on the needle"!):


However, instead of the dollar and the rest of the triangle, it can be anything.

as long as it is made of three market trading pairs


Bottom line

One country, one national currency and nothing else.
Как Хрущев расстрелял валютчиков: дело на десять миллионов
Как Хрущев расстрелял валютчиков: дело на десять миллионов
  • 2017.05.13
Никита Хрущев обещал Советскому Союзу коммунизм. Но строить светлое будущее ему мешали, и это выводило руководителя государства из равновесия. Причем мешали не какие-то могущественные враги. Портили картину мелкие, на первый взгляд, спекулянты, которые приставали на улицах Москвы к уважаемым иностранцам – а те, в свою очередь, жаловались на это Хрущеву. Поэтому первых же валютчиков, попавших в руки правосудия, показательно приговорили к расстрелу.

The simplest example of a triangle, even without the construction of the indicator will show that

at any moment of time, no matter which way any currency pair is moving in it (which is used by the price taker to control the participants' losses for his own purposes) and taking into consideration equilibrium

the condition will remain:

either the total equity equals zero,


equals 1


I kept asking on the forum why no currency pair shook and the pound flew away ?

where did the delta hide ?

into the cross !

And the pound flew away only to be guaranteed to take all the buyers money (previous day's volumes):

and this happened regardless of econometrics, politics and other bullshit, let's just say.

Again, this leads to the conclusion that

the price is driven only by money and nothing else

or more precisely, against the crowd, against the prevailing investments.


The triangle here is like this:

So, any of the prices can be moved anywhere!

all triangles: unambiguously !

if the numerator of the fraction is a buy, the denominator is a sell (or mirrored)

these are the combinations of crosses and majors that should not be allowed in trading.

enough already, you'll give away all the secrets
Renat Akhtyamov:

and lastly

cut out what is added to 1, but more,

using the fact that the price at the current moment is the integral of the ITO, i.e. the old price + the increment

and indeed, there is no condition for forming a triangle - either everything is to buy or to sell (double confirmation of the signal)

i.e. the triangle may be traded

good luck to all!

The triangle will be drunk even if it is a parallelepiped).


The triangle will be drunk, even if it's a parallelepiped).


only caught the signal on the M1, on the others

crocodile not catching, no coconut growing :(


men are not offended)