The NSP and the paradoxes of nature - page 21

Marat Zeidaliyev:

Is that the grail at Rena's?)

No, Rena's is something else. It's my approach to trading, and it's not direct trading head-on, but market neutral.
Spreads, portfolios.


The theory is "out of thin air" and has absolutely no practical basis for an unambiguous assessment of what is going on; simply put, it is totally subjective.


No one forbids wasting time)

Not understanding simple things that are difficult to implement leads to this opinion.
But making predictions through extrapolation is, I believe, wasting time.
How many years has it been since Yusuf's article was published? Ten! And how far has he gone in building his model?
Because the original idea of vanting the future is a dead-end approach, I've written about it before.


Not understanding simple things that are difficult to implement leads to this view.
Making predictions through extrapolation is, I believe, a waste of time.
How many years has it been since Yusuf's article was published? Ten! And how far has he gone in building his model?
Because the original idea of vandering the future is a dead-end approach, I've written about that before.

there is a more "original" dead-end idea that also embraces the ideas of the "greats" (and Elliot among them).


there is a more "original" dead-end idea that also embraces the ideas of the "greats" (and Elliot among them).

You obviously can't understand that. Study something else.


You obviously don't understand it. Study something else.

Yusuf and Oleg Automat said the same thing XD


Not understanding simple things that are difficult to implement leads to this view.
Making predictions through extrapolation is, I believe, a waste of time.
How many years has it been since Yusuf's article was published? Ten! And how far has he gone in building his model?
Because the original idea of vandering the future is a dead-end approach, I've written about it before.

Roman, the PNBs are designed to find patterns that are hidden from our eyes and they did a great job! All this has been shown and proven for 10 years. I've given plenty of examples from the macro and microcosm since the formation of the universe. That we, so far, have not been able to interpret and use the identified patterns correctly to our advantage is another matter entirely. The future is not an extrapolation as Roman claims but the future is an integral part of a single pattern that is formed from the H function. Mixing Elliott waves into the price formation process is, I believe, the height of delusion. The process of pricing, which implies making profit as the ultimate goal, cannot be understood and or grasped by the power of the human mind without the involvement of the mathematical apparatus, but the solution is that by mastering this mathematical apparatus once and for all, there is hope to deal with the process of making profit using the power of the computer. The laws of making profit in all types of markets and on the basis of all variable costs are known in detail and do not contradict the concept of profit as the difference between income and all kinds of costs, variable and fixed, as the economists, Nobel Prize winners teach us. They only gloss over the fact that profit is based on the difference between the market price and the optimal selling price of a commodity, and that these prices are virtual and not directly known to anyone except the computer! Under such conditions, I am amazed that Rene manages to make a profit! Conclusion - Rena's fairy tales will remain tall tales for a long time to come, unknown to anyone. And the fact that there are many real and virtual prices involved in the price formation process in the formation of profits is a fact which I have proven many times and which does not require further research and has been brought to an unimproved conclusion. No one is able to improve or modify the profit formula in any other way, as I have shown repeatedly in all types of markets. The trouble is that it still remains only on paper and nobody is interested in it, as if it does not exist, and the economists continue to make up stories on the basis of the old concept of profit, because even without this formula you can reach the profit without any trouble, though without its real analysis. So, don't confuse NPAs and, even more so, accuse them of lack of patterns of profit making in the market - these are different things. PNBs find global regularities of nature, and how we deal with them further depends on our understanding of nature. Moreover, profit processes and pricing patterns are not the prerogative of the PNB - other regularities, as described in Market Theory, rule here

Теория рынка
Теория рынка
До сих пор не существует логически завершенной теории рынка, охватывающей все типы и разновидности рынков товаров и услуг, микро- и макро-рынков, наподобие Форекс. Статья повествует о сущности новой теории рынка, основанной на анализе прибыли, вскрывает закономерности изменения текущей цены, а также выявляет принцип работы механизма, позволяющего цене находить наиболее оптимальное свое значение путем образования цепи виртуальных цен, способных вырабатывать управляющие воздействия на саму цену. Выявлены механизмы образования и смены трендов на рынке.

No, Rena has something different. It's my approach to trading, and it's not direct trading head-on, but market neutral.
Spreads, portfolios.

Where is the rationale behind Rena's theory of profitability in market conditions? It does not and cannot exist. Looking for a cat in a poke, knowing it's not there! Is everyone but Rena deluded? Even the Elott waves were mentioned, where are they, how are they formed? Nobody knows, everything is at the level of fairy tales.

Marat Zeidaliyev:

The fate of the cat is not yet known, we will work on the indicator, the time phases should in most cases coincide

Rena's is a different subject, that's SME OI MM

I am not aware of the previous narrative

Sultonov's PNB subject overlaps a little but it's just letters and numbers with no practical proof

One cannot demand the impossible from PNBs, they reveal patterns if any in the sample, nothing else. How we dispose of the patterns found is another problem. What kind of proof should we demand from the PNB? PNB has already proved everything - proved their objectivity and logic, cause and effect. They have assigned their characteristic equations to all objects, what else do we want from PNB? Except that there are paradoxes of nature, we will deal with them later with the help of PNB themselves.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Roman, PNBs are designed to find patterns that are hidden from our eyes and they have done an excellent job! All this has been shown and proven for 10 years. I've given plenty of examples from the macro and microcosm since the formation of the universe. That we, so far, have not been able to interpret and use the identified patterns correctly to our advantage is another matter entirely. The future is not an extrapolation as Roman claims but the future is an integral part of a single pattern that is formed from the H function. Mixing Elliott waves into the price formation process is, I believe, the height of delusion. The process of pricing, which implies making profit as the ultimate goal, cannot be understood and or grasped by the power of the human mind without the involvement of the mathematical apparatus, but the solution is that by mastering this mathematical apparatus once and for all, there is hope to deal with the process of making profit using the power of the computer. The laws of making profit in all types of markets and on the basis of all variable costs are known in detail and do not contradict the concept of profit as the difference between income and all kinds of costs, variable and fixed, as economists, Nobel Prize winners teach us. They only gloss over the fact that profit is based on the difference between the market price and the optimal selling price of a commodity, and that these prices are virtual and not directly known to anyone except the computer! Under such conditions, I am amazed that Rene manages to make a profit! Conclusion - Rena's fairy tales will remain tall tales for a long time to come, unknown to anyone. And the fact that there are many real and virtual prices involved in the price formation process in the formation of profits is a fact which I have proven many times and which does not require further research and has been brought to an unimproved conclusion. No one is able to improve or modify the profit formula in any other way, as I have shown repeatedly in all types of markets. The problem is that it still remains only on paper and nobody is interested in it, as if it does not exist, and the economists continue to tell lies based on the old concept of profit, because even without this formula we can make profit without any trouble, but without any real analysis. So, don't confuse NPAs and, even more so, accuse them of a lack of patterns of profit making in the market - these are different things. PNBs find global regularities of nature, and how we deal with them further depends on our understanding of nature. Moreover, profit processes and pricing patterns are not the prerogative of the PNB - other patterns, as described in Market Theory, rule here

That is the point: we all come to the market for the end result,which implies making a profit as the ultimate goal. Not to achieve scientific inventions.
The global
laws of nature, I have briefly outlined above. Absolutely everything tends towards vibrational processes, for the law of energy underlies the entire universe.
What is hidden in PNB from your eyes, I have seen, and with it you have coped perfectly well. But you have not thought up yet how to interpret what you have got.
That's why it's not a finished model, to extract a stable result, which is why you are trying to involve the team in refining, searching for ideas, etc.
I just described my approach to the model, which has almost the same mathematical scheme as the basis that you have, only you have started to solve this problem in a different direction, in the prediction.
I offered you to look at your model from a slightly different angle, but for some reason you ignored it.
Reconsider your views, not in the side of prognosis, but in the side of ideal zero, which would not recalculate function P+H, at receipt of new observations, but thus keeping properties of your calculation.
That is the curve P1, for example, moves accurately as snake on zero, smoothly flowing with receipt of new observations.
If it can be achieved, and I gave you a scientific article from American colleagues, which solves the problem of unstable coefficients. Your model could be a cool thing.
But for some reason you ignore, serious suggestions for improvement, and at the same time you try to find a matapparat here.

The term is taken for simplicity of understanding the processes to which absolutely everything in this universe obeys.
Oscillation, aka vibration, consists of the property of cyclicity, which is what energy possesses.
The laws are measured by science (peeps) )). Well, the financial markets are cyclical fluctuations in the literal sense.
Financial cycles depend on various factors, interest rates, seasonality, reporting, recession, etc. These are global processes.
Look at the screenshot you posted earlier of the waves, that would be (1). Now go up to (2) and try to interpret these fluctuations, and so on.
It is just to understand that the financial world is cyclical! And is described by a stochastic process.

If this is still difficult to understand, Elliott's theory explains it clearly. In simple terms.

Were they trading on computers in Elliot's time?