The NSP and the paradoxes of nature - page 8

"Question everything" by René Descartes.
"Everyone knows that it is impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know it - he makes the discovery" (A. Einstein)
Эссе на тему «Все знают, что это невозможно. Но вот приходит невежда, которому это неизвестно — он-то и делает открытие» (А. Эйнштейн)
  • 2020.10.07
  • EkaterinaPr
А. Эйнштейн в данном высказывании поднимает проблему прогресса. На мой взгляд, автор имеет в виду то, что не только ученые могут совершать…

I've been getting a note of doubt lately.

Hmm... There should be no doubt. The Wizard and the Sorcerer are two of the seven Guardians of the Grail. They know a lot, but they do not have to tell you everything...

For a complete understanding, one must still listen to the other five. But they're not here on the forum.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Check: Should be OK

Is there a mistake in the Q column? - zeros and ones from the same "if" condition are multiplied three times - so, logically, once is enough


Is there a mistake in the Q column? - Zeros and ones from the same "if" condition are multiplied three times - so, logically, once is enough


9 years ago...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Yusuf's Floodgate

---, 2011.05.08 08:38

Due to the growing popularity of chatterboxing and Yusuf's rise to a new level of trust from forum members,

it was unanimously decided to move the Telepath Club meeting to another thread with new meeting rules.

And to rename the existing one with a more appropriate name.


The following awards and honors will be created

Yusuf Order - for the longest discussion of an indicator, with only the author having an indicator.

Yusuf syndrome - for the greatest number of special errors in the article (so that no one could reconstruct the described calculations)

Yusuf diploma - for mastering the art of demagogy and NLP within the framework of communication on the forum


The Wizard and the Sorcerer are two of the seven Guardians of the Grail. They know a lot, but they don't have to tell you everything at all...

It's all very much like creating a new religion and then a sect.


It is all very much like creating a new religion and then a cult.

You just can't beat the market with maths. Well, there's no way at all. Whatever you do... Many people understand this, but cannot accept it.

You have to step a little in the direction of ... well, if you want - religion, yes. So, it is extremely important to listen and hear extraordinary people (people?) and their point of view.


You just can't beat the market with maths. Well, there's no way at all. No matter what you do... A lot of people understand that, but they can't accept it.

You have to step a little bit in the direction of ... well, if you want - religion, yes. Therefore, it is crucial to listen and hear unusual people (people?) and their point of view.

Well, if you can't take the market by simple maths, then maybe you can take a very simple one ? On the level of 2+2=4.

Don't you think that opinion is being persistently imposed on you? Where is it coming from?

I repeat: "Everyone knows it's impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - he makes a discovery" (Einstein).

Z.I. It means that artists rule the market.


Well, if you can't take the market by simple maths, then maybe you can take a very simple one? On the level of 2+2=4.

Don't you think that's an opinion that's being imposed on you? Where is it coming from?

Ultimately, the TS comes down to some calculations, especially in determining the entry point into a trade. But the exit point is not obvious at all, and textbooks do not provide this knowledge. And this is where abstraction and metaphysics come in handy. Many conditions are "sifted". And those conditions are... They belong to the Ancient Knowledge, about which few can tell, and even in an allegorical sense. Alas... The mystery of the market is being kept alive by those who know it. It is the Law.
At the end of the day, the TS comes down to some calculations, especially in determining the entry point of a trade. But, the exit point is not obvious at all, there is no such knowledge in textbooks. And this is where abstraction and metaphysics come in handy. Many conditions are "sifted". And those conditions are... They belong to the Ancient Knowledge, about which few can tell, and even in an allegorical sense. Alas... The mystery of the market is heavily guarded by those who know it. It is the Law.

I understand you have lost faith in yourself and in your abilities.

Think about what you can control in this process and what you CANNOT.

I understand you have lost faith in yourself and your powers.

Think about what you can manage in this process and what you CANNOT.

:))) No, of course not. It's just that I've come to realise that even the little I have, I could never have done alone. Only communication with people like the Wizard allows me to give some sense to such concepts as time and market cycles. Mathematically this meaning is not found in any way.