The NSP and the paradoxes of nature - page 7

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

What to do in such cases? Maybe the desktop is to blame? I'm going to try to fix the situation

In theMy Documents folder.

file -"Standard f(x,y) y=f(x)n forecast 21 03 20.xls"


in the"My Documents" folder

file -"Standard f(x,y) y=f(x)n forecast 21 03 20.xls"

Check: Should be fine

Files:  365 kb

in the"My Documents" folder

file -"Standard f(x,y) y=f(x)n forecast 21 03 20.xls"

Fast, is it ok now? It's all done throughMy Documents .

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Fast, is it OK now? I've done everything throughMy Documents.

Now the file's fine.

Price is man-made and is a derivative of a quote, also man-made. The concept of the nature of quotes is not the laws of nature. According to the simplest law of nature, there is no free space, and if it is formed, it is filled with something (the law of gas). But it has nothing to do with quotations.
And the law of a magnet can be attached to wandering of quotes, but we must still understand where these magnets are located, what their strength is, and how they (magnets) are moved. Ancient astrologers understood the influence of other planets on cataclysms on the Earth, but it is human nature to think in the language one understands. The language of ancient astrologers is alien to us - we understand the language of Newton better.
Price is man-made and is a derivative of a quote, also man-made. The concept of the nature of quotes is not the laws of Nature.

They are the laws of Nature. Price is not created by an individual human being, but by "the crowd". This fundamentally changes everything. Few people can truly control themselves in a crowd. And few can control themselves by looking at the market chart and trading. Robots/MTS as it turns out don't change anything. To get away from the emotions of the market chart and do what you really need in the market, and not what the "crowd" makes you do via the chart is not easy:))))The grail is the balance between absolute submission and "free will" . You can't trade "with the crowd" because it is 50% of the time ("average" :)) But you can't go against it :)))) Mathematically well-educated citizens express this all in the concept of an efficient market and eventually SB. The formula: 50/50 spread (c) Tugrik :)))) Hands down and say, nothing can be done there. Drain the water.


These are the laws of Nature. Price is not created by an individual, but by "the crowd". This fundamentally changes everything. Few people can truly control themselves in a crowd. And few can control themselves by looking at the market chart and trading. Robots/MTS as it turns out don't change anything. To get away from the emotions of the market chart and do what you really need in the market, and not what the "crowd" makes you do via the chart is not easy:)))) The grail is the balance between absolute submission and "free will" . You can't trade "with the crowd" because it is 50% of the time ("average" :)) But you can't go against it :)))) Mathematically well-educated citizens express this all in the concept of an efficient market and eventually SB. The formula: 50/50 spread (c) Tugrik :)))) Hands down and say, nothing can be done there. Drain the water.

Moreover, as it turns out, inverse quotes also have their own patterns in the form of NSR, and, at times, they are more informative than direct quotes. this fact is another paradox of the market.


Mathematically well-educated citizens express it all in the concept of an efficient market and eventually SB. Formula: 50/50 spread (c) Tugrik :)))) Hands down and say, nothing can be done there. Drain the water.

The Wizard speaks the Truth.

Gentlemen! Do not torture yourself - go to the factory. Only by breaking the back of the market can you see the Grail. And that's something not everyone can do... Unless, with the NSP, you can tickle the market a bit...


The Wizard speaks the Truth.

I've been getting a note of doubt lately.


I've been getting a note of doubt lately.

"Question everything" by René Descartes.