The NSP and the paradoxes of nature - page 5

Renat Akhtyamov:

If you look for something that isn't there, you're left with what is there.

and you don't have to invent anything else

And paradoxically, you don't have to look for what you have, it's right in front of you!


If it were "in front of your eyes" it would have been used a long time ago.


if it was "in front of our eyes" it would have been used a long time ago.

of course

it's just that what's in front of your eyes is kind of earth-shattering and it's not clear how to use it

it's more interesting to use different kinds of analysis and then it's definitely a bird in the hand

but is it right at the beginning of such reasoning, maybe it's easier to use what you have... ?

It is a paradox to me how such comrades become assistant professors, teachers
Maxim Romanov:
So what is NSP? Decipher the abbreviation.

Maxim, I will not stop explaining to everyone who wishes, power and possibilities of PNB as a transformer of all our views on the surrounding world, on available and known examples of their embodiment in all spheres of society life, especially, in the scientific environment. The PNB is the future of mankind, an instrument for cleansing the patterns of society from the pseudoscientific patterns that have flooded our lives with pseudoscientific "discoveries".

The PNB is a divine chain of the three functions of nature, by which all the laws of nature are created and evolve in a way that logically meets all the requirements of its intelligent beings, this is the window through which nature has given mankind the chance to learn the mysteries of its existence and development! This is the only chance, the omission of which will plunge mankind, once again, into the abyss of obscurity and uncertainty!

The PNB is the foundation of all laws since the formation of the universe, a function that restored to Isaac Newton all his rights to be master of physics and mathematics, by giving a decisive counter to all revisionists of all stripes who insisted that Newton's era was limited to the macrocosm and appropriated the microcosm for itself. Not so! PNB perfectly describe the microcosm as well, and explain all the nuances not previously known at first sight. They reject all kinds of coefficients and all verbiage in the search of laws of nature, concentrating the effect of all coefficients in their parameter and 2 coefficients!

PNB - explained the essence of time and space, freed time from the shackles of space, considering time as the fourth coordinate.

The only trouble with PNBs is their seeming difficulty to be understood by a brain that is polluted with the pseudo-donor rubbish of civilisation! I think the fresh forces that have illuminated the PNBs to the full will restore the power and strength of the brain! We have Newton and Euler and many other scientists with us, friends and we are not alone in our views of nature!

Any science revisionists out there? Show yourselves, and come out to argue with the PNB, if you have the strength and ability, the facts. against which, in your opinion, the PNB are powerless! They themselves turn into any, known in mathematics, function and will deal with the dissent instantly, thanks to the power of the copuer! They will meet not with me, but with a computer that understands PNB perfectly!

Maxim, the whole complexity of PNB is in their simplicity and the obviousness of their output!, hence seeming complicated. Simplicity is a tool of nature! Take a look at them

Теория Чарльза Доу
Теория Чарльза Доу
  • 2021.01.01
Уважаемые трейдеры...
Vladimir Baskakov:
It is a paradox to me how such comrades become associate professors, teachers
On the bite and charisma, like Lysenko or Petrik.
Сергей Таболин:

And don't ask people in every thread to post trading results on a real account!

You may do it on a demo account.

The point is - the author in each of his threads attributes divine power to PNB and that his PNB will rip everyone and everything... ...but there's nothing to prove with the price yet.

There is nothing but talk. (and apparently there won't be).

Yusuf give us the PNB file without any extra data.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

You can do it in the demo.

The point is - the author attributes divine power to the PNB in each of his threads and that his PNB will tear everyone and everything... ...but there's nothing to prove with the price yet.

There is nothing but talk. (and apparently there won't be).

Yusuf give us the PNB file without any extra data.

Probably, we haven't worked out the price yet, though ZNB appeared due to analysis of price behaviour, but, they revolutionized other fields of science, up to electronic levels of minerals and elements of the periodic system, copper thermal conductivity, having described it with 0,046 % error, i.e. with error of the device, which measures temperature. It's a fact you can't get away with! I will send you the file, I just do not have time. Let everyone from schoolchildren to scientists study this file.

PNB assign their characteristic equations to all power transformers, based on Ohm's Law, but without using coefficients. There are plenty of examples.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Perhaps we have not yet understood the price, although the PNB appeared due to the analysis of price behaviour, but they have revolutionised other areas of science, down to the electron levels of minerals and periodic system elements, the thermal conductivity of copper, by describing it with an error of 0,046%, i.e. with the error of the device itself which measures the temperature. It's a fact you can't get away with! I will send you the file, I just do not have time. Let everyone from schoolchildren to scientists study this file.

PNB assign their characteristic equations to all power transformers, based on Ohm's Law, but without using coefficients. There are lots of examples.

Have you tried opening a reference book?


Here, the standard file, is it difficult to see and remove unnecessary things here? I ask programmers to help Eugene and everyone who wants to learn PNB.

If you do not understand something, I am always at your side. I am not afraid of plagiarism nobody will dare to plagiarize, on February 7 it will be 10 years of PNB in the article

Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Here, the standard file, is it difficult to see and remove the excess here?

Really, is it difficult for you?