The NSP and the paradoxes of nature - page 3


So, it is possible to make money on SB, is it not? The sophisticated soul of Mathematician could not bear the realization of this fact.

This is a paradox, worthy of mentioning in this thread.



So, it is possible to make money on SB, is it not? The sophisticated soul of Mathematician could not bear the realization of this fact.

This is a paradox, worthy of mention in this thread.

You can, of course. "I do not know how" and "impossible" are different concepts. Someday someone will develop a methodology for making money from random wandering. Or maybe not, maybe random rambling will still remain a mathematical model, but people will learn to find patterns better.

But there is a nuance, instead of looking for ways to make money from SB, it is better to find what makes the price range different from SB... It's more promising. And it is different!

Maxim Romanov:

Of course you can. "I don't know how" and "impossible" are different concepts. Someday, someone will develop a methodology for making money from random ramblings. Maybe not, maybe random rambling will remain a mathematical model, but people will learn to find patterns better.

But there is a nuance, instead of looking for ways to make money from SB, it is better to find what makes the price range different from SB... It's more promising. And it is different!

Alexander and Automat said in that thread that it's different and for the worse - SB is easier than price.

Well, that's when they started poking fun at the fact that they tell tales of making easy money on SB, while they themselves can't make money in the market


So, it is possible to make money on SB, isn't it? The sophisticated soul of Mathematician could not bear the realization of this fact.

This is a paradox worthy of mention in this thread.

It is not a paradox, but a cheating trick, sophistry, which opposes SB to a process, the probability of outcomes (as a series) which is very far from 0.5. But at first glance it's beautiful, yes :)

Alexander and Automat said in that thread that it was different and for the worse - SB is easier than price.

Well, this is when they started poking fun at the fact that they tell tales of easy money in SB, while they themselves cannot make money in the market

As the machine itself would say, "nonsense!" Different for the worse from SB) it's a joke for people who don't understand the maths or think they do.
Maxim Romanov:
As the machine itself would say: "nonsense!" Differing for the worse from SB) is a joke for people who don't understand the maths or think they do.
Bullshit is what the machine gun and the AK say all the time.
Mikhail Mishanin:

What "paradox" are we talking about? Formulate the paradox first!

The paradox - " we are looking for patterns that do not and cannot exist in nature"?

There are plenty of examples. For example, there is no linear dependence in nature as we are accustomed to imagine. The straight line equation appears in the PNB in a scary way that is very difficult to think of. Nature does not operate only with integers - for her the whole number series looks different than we imagine it to be. The rivalry between the exponential and the exponential functions underlies the creation of regularities. The existence of the PNB is excellent proof of this. In short, there are no other regularities in nature. other than PNB. They themselves are easily transformed into every imaginable and unimaginable pattern. How they do it is a major paradox of nature. I will try to show this with a lot of facts from the world around us. Humans have invented many unnecessary and useless regularities that are not actually found in nature. We need to rewrite all mathematics, physics and economics. Economics is pure mathematics. from the process of making and forming profits to the formation of various prices, real and virtual. There is no room for verbiage in economics, and it has been turned into a fairy tale worthy of a kindergarten. Economists have not even bothered to deal with profit, limiting themselves to a prehistoric way of describing and representing it. They cannot stop telling economic students tales about how supply and demand are formed in the market by the desire of sellers to sell at a higher price, and of buyers to buy at a lower price! The fact that pricing is a complex mechanism involving, among other things, the Dow theorem is not mentioned anywhere. Instead, they compete in eloquence, filling the pages of economics books with regrettable tales.

Maxim Romanov:
As the automaton itself would say: "nonsense!" Differing for the worse from SB) it's a joke for people who don't understand maths or think they do.
Finding differences in vr from sb on history is possible, But it doesn't improve the forecast, or it does, but it's not very relevant). Or then you need to do a fair amount of analysis and analyse the results. But these are other capacities.
A common illusion. The probability of an eagle after a series of tails increases. But we know it doesn't. So it remains equal probability.)
Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Finding differences in vr from sb on history is possible, But it doesn't improve the prediction, or it does, but not much relevance). Or then you have to do quite a lot of analysis and analyse the results. But these are other capacities.
A common illusion. The probability of an eagle after a series of tails increases. But we know it doesn't. So it remains equilibrium).

We just don't know enough about the regularities of "random" processes. Randomness, Marx said, is a manifestation of necessity. Before it manifests itself, every randomness has its prerequisites, its PNBs, if you like. Random processes gave rise, for example, to Boyle-Mariotte's law, Avogadro's numbers and many other regularities.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Finding differences between vr and sb on history is possible, But it doesn't improve the prediction, or it does, but not much relevance.) Or then you need to do a fair amount of analysis and analyse the results. But these are other capacities.
A common illusion. The probability of an eagle after a series of tails increases. But we know it doesn't. So it remains equilibrium).
Since the subject comes up from time to time, when I stop being lazy, I will write an article, in which I will show how charts of currencies and shares differ from random walks and from each other and explain the reasons. But of course how to use it, you will have to think for yourself.