Please give me a hint, because I have never asked for help from a programmer before - page 7


and the file, as I understand it, is an expert.

Pardon, monsieur :)


Aleksei Stepanenko:

Pardon, monsieur :)


still wondering what to do with the code you sent to get the mq4 file

Open MetaEditor. File - Create - Advisor (template) - write the name - then answer all questions in the affirmative. In the open page paste the code, press "Compile". That's all.

I'm still wondering what you need to do with the code you sent me to get an mq4 file

There is a compile button in the meta editor, and after compilation you get an exe file, but if you restart the terminal, it automatically compiles uncompiled code files)


still wondering what to do with the code you sent to get the mq4 file

create a template and copy from notepad

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Thank you for the feedback! I was wondering what if the overall task is divided into several different subtasks, so that each one is handled by a separate script. It is probably easier to solve all the needs from several tasks than to write a long code inside of one EA. Or is the Expert Advisor a collection of scripts working in parallel?
Thank you for being so responsive! I was wondering what if the overall task is divided into several different subtasks, so that each can be handled separately by a separate script. It is probably easier to solve all the needs out of several tasks than to write a long code inside of one EA. Or is the Expert Advisor a collection of scripts working in parallel?


Thank you for being so responsive! I was wondering what if the overall task is divided into several different subtasks, so that each one is handled separately by a separate script. This way, it is probably easier to solve all the needs out of several tasks than to write a long code inside of one EA. Or is the Expert Advisor a collection of scripts working in parallel?

Task decomposition is the right way to do it. (The clever word is task decomposition ) How to write is another task.


still wondering what you need to do with the code you sent to get the mq4 file

It originally has to be bread mq4, if in ex4, you won't have a move on further refinement,

you can only use the current version.

Check the mechanics of the algorithm in the test to see if it meets your requirements for inputs and outputs,

If it doesn't, it will show up in the logs, but you have to know how to read it too... ./