Trend and levels - page 75

Sergey Lazarenko #:

it's Pushkin's fairy tale, about the goldfish, the old woman teaching the old man how to live and what to do

I don't read it and I don't recommend it to others.
Vladimir Baskakov #:
I don't and I don't advise others to.

Don't read Pushkin? I'm sorry but you're a bad boy, but you know that.

Sergey Lazarenko #:

Don't read Pushkin? I'm sorry but you're a bad boy, but you know that.

Reading, a waste of time.
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Reading, wasting time

You are illiterate for that reason.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

You are illiterate for this reason.

Give me some examples
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Give examples

Read your answers

P.S. Although yes, you are illiterate and you think they are clever.
Vitaly Muzichenko #:

Read your answers.

P.S. Though yes, you are illiterate and you think they are clever.
I wonder if Musk has read Pushkin?
As always unsubstantiated assertions
Vladimir Baskakov #:
I wonder if Musk has read Pushkin.
As always unsubstantiated assertions

Look, here's Musk's interview

I mean, read about it, what books he's read, so you can't get to Musk's level.

Я читаю. Илон Маск - Год Литературы
Я читаю. Илон Маск - Год Литературы
Текст: ГодЛитературы.РФ
Sergey Lazarenko #:

Look, here's Musk's interview

I mean, read about it, what books he's read, so you can't get to Musk's level.

He read comic books;)
Sergey Lazarenko #:

Relax, of course not, where have you ever seen such a thing as trading on the plus side and on a hunch?

The thing is that there are too many uncertainties in the market, factors that take a lot of time to program. Here's an example, Powell's speech yesterday at this time, happening now. Powell is a key figure, he made a statement yesterday - he's starting to roll back the stimulus program, there's no way you can get that into the program and there's a reaction...

Traders use a set of assumptions, for a move up, for a move down, and considering them and attention - the current situation - they decide on TVX, i.e. the trade is in semi-robot mode.

Every fool has it on the agenda - Powell's speech was scheduled in advance, his date and time was known at least a week in advance and published in all calendars.