Contractor does not give the original files or the year is new and the problems are old - page 7


Yes, why Cyprus, and why are you smiling? I live in the Russian Federation, thank God. And the trial will be in Russia too.

I just don't want to spoil the guy's life. Think a little bit about the jurisdiction of this case. Especially in light of the new law about foreign agents, etc.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Who are you suing? - The Freelance service or the contractor?

The first one played the role of a mediator - he took your money and transferred it to the service provider after you had confirmed all the steps.

the second performed the work according to the rules, I asked, searched and did not find in the rules of the instructions to MUST transmit the source

sue funny lying on the couch watching TV series like "Get up! Court is coming" - who will collect the materials? - Court? )))) will run back and forth on their own, the court only makes a decision based on the law and judicial practice, the court fees are the least you will invest from their money, imho

ЗЫ: Write a statement to the district commander, he is in his line of work is obliged to receive applications and appeals from citizens, and will even be forced to register it and conduct an enquiry, and the results of the inspection will be decided upon - is it a crime / administrative offence to commit an act

UPD: Googled the Act on Foreign Agents and thought I'd missed it. The Act comes into force on Feb. 1,

an agent is an NGO or individual that publishes in the media or engages in political activities or owns an information resource ..... they better get ready before writing everything that pops into their head ;) - At this rate, you'll put half the capital out of work. Everyone will get the same job - if you work at a Microsoft office you're a "fucking agent"! )))

Igor Makanu:

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Who are you suing? - with the Freelance service or with the contractor?

The first one acted as a mediator - he took your money and, after you confirmed all the steps, he transferred the money to the contractor

the second performed the work according to the rules, I asked, searched and did not find in the rules of the instructions to MUST transmit the source

Litigation is fun lying on the couch watching TV series like "Get up! Court is coming" - who will collect the materials? - Court? )))) will run back and forth on their own, the court only makes a decision based on the law and judicial practice, the court fees are the least you will invest from their money, imho

ЗЫ: Write a statement to the district commander, he is in his line of work is obliged to receive applications and appeals from citizens, and will even be forced to register it and conduct an enquiry, and the results of the inspection will be decided upon - is it a crime / administrative offence to commit an act

UPD: Googled the Act on Foreign Agents and thought I'd missed it. The Act comes into force on Feb. 1,

an agent is an NGO or individual that publishes in the media or engages in political activities or owns an information resource ..... they better get ready before writing everything that pops into their head ;) - At this rate, you'll put half the capital out of work. Everyone will get the same job - if you work at a Microsoft office you're a "fucking agent"! )))

You know, Igor! There's always a black sheep in the herd, such a know-it-all. Who knows the steps (who and how to act), and who watches what programs. And you are so smart, maybe even metropolitan) Where are you in the capital?

You speak for yourself, you do not have to speak for everyone.

Once again, maybe you were not reading carefully. Maybe you're distracted by the capital. Google jurisdiction. Before you write about precinct cops.

And I'm gonna ask you one more thing. I don't need your personal assessment of my actions here. All I needed was some good advice on how to break up with this man so as not to ruin his life.

By the way, Igor, unlike you, the other participants did give sound advice. And you can go to hell, to hell with yourselves.

You know, Igor! There's always a black sheep in the flock, a know-it-all. Who knows the steps (who and how to act), and who watches what programmes. And you are so smart, maybe even metropolitan) Where are you in the capital?

You speak for yourself, you do not have to speak for everyone.

Once again, maybe you were not reading carefully. Maybe you're distracted by the capital. Google jurisdiction. Before you write about precinct cops.

And I'm gonna ask you one more thing. I don't need your personal assessment of my actions here. All I needed was some good advice on how to break up with this man so as not to ruin his life.

I would advise you to have another chat with the contractor. If necessary, you should pay extra for the source code, if you need it so much. If the contractor does not contact you or overcharges you, you can order indicators from another programmer with source code.
By the way, Igor, unlike you, the other participants actually gave good advice. And you can go to hell, namely to hell with your grandmother.

I will decide where to go and what to do

Once again, I will advise you - first understand the rules of the service, and then order services

The developer has fulfilled your task according to terms of reference? You have confirmed the implementation? Who now can you have a claim other than yourself?


Google about jurisdiction. Before you write about the precincts.

And I'll ask you one more thing. I don't need your personal assessment of my actions here. All I needed was some practical advice on how to break up with this man so as not to ruin his life.

I won't google it, it's in your interest.

substandard service has never been a "court case", the usual administrative offense, if you go to the consumer protection, they will initiate the case, if not, the magistrate or the district court for damages to a physical person

ruin life? You have already written, now repeat it, imho, open threat, if so, then the ban cries for you, the same rules for using the resource should contain a paragraph on threats.... Okay, not my interest, let the moderators or resource owners to deal with this problem

Igor Makanu:

I will decide where to go and what to do

Once again, I will advise you - first understand the rules of the service, and then order services

The developer has fulfilled your task according to terms of reference? Who else but yourself can you have claims against?

How is it to whom! The executor is obligated by the terms of service to transfer the source code.

My mistake was that I did not control the transfer. I had never imagined that the provider would twist my arm. First he wrote (it was after the payment), that the source code for a fee and these are his conditions (the letter is available), then, as you all have seen, refused to cooperate. Apparently out of extreme pique, I suppose.

Thanks for the good advice. But this performer is not the first, perhaps not the last. I've never had a problem like this with anyone else. But there's a first time for everything.

Of course, paying money for something you've already paid for is not really an option. It's like a builder making you a house according to your design and claiming it. Because everybody puts the rebar that way and he put it across.

In any case, the situation is ambiguous. I understand from the feedback that most of the participants are on my side. Thank you. Not because you're on my side. Because you helped me figure it out.

I have a request to the administration, the agents of influence. It is worth to write a clause about the source in the terms of service. I won't be the first, I won't be the last.

And one more thing. Still hope for help from the administration of this resource. Help in optimizing the activities of this performer.

Igor Makanu:

I will decide where to go and what to do

Once again, I will advise you - first understand the rules of the service, and then order services

The developer has fulfilled your task according to terms of reference? You confirmed the implementation? Who now can you have a complaint other than yourself?

I will not google it, it is in your interest

substandard service has never been a "court case", the usual administrative offense, if you contact the Consumer Protection Agency, they will initiate a case, if not, then the magistrate or the district court for damages to a physical person

ruin life? You have already written, now repeat it, imho, an open threat, if so, then the ban cries for you, the same rules for using the resource should contain a paragraph on threats.... Okay, not my interest, let the moderators or resource owners deal with the problem

There you go again, dear Igor, at your own pace. There you go again, giving me ratings. You interpret my words. You see threats in your mind. Schizophrenia?

So you're going back to the address you already know. You're expected.


And yes, Igor. Please don't litter my thread. I understand you have nothing to do, I guess you keep celebrating?

Don't write, I understand.

Otherwise the third time you'll go I don't know where to look for I don't know what.


And yes, Igor. Please don't litter my thread. I understand you have nothing to do, so I guess you keep celebrating?

It can't be yours, because it's a public resource.

I am not celebrating, I am already working and reading, but sometimes I need to relax, and here you are with such a cheerful topic,

look for the positives in everything - here screwed up without reading what you sign/click, in the real world would be more careful when reading contracts ;)

ZS: I do not suffer from mental disorders, I have medical check-ups regularly...schizophrenia, if I am not mistaken, is accompanied by hallucinations and decreased thinking activity - I do not see such signs, I think it's OK

Now I understand why the contractor sent the customer away :-)