Charles Dow's theory - page 2


exactly water and basic principles known to all

In order not to run into similar discussions, it is necessary to write this not on the forum, to convey their ideas, which, incidentally, for some reason come on the fly

Is there anyone who can give an exact definition of it? Simple common words a person can't understand

Delusions of grandeur, a type of schizophrenic disorder. Seizures are managed in an inpatient setting.

exactly water and the basic principles known to all

The Dow axioms are rooted in deeper roots of the notions of trading and encompassthe identified and proposed three functions describing respectively three stages of dynamic transitions, which are definedin the form of various modifications of the Gamma distribution function defining the behaviour of the parameter under study, in particular the market price, as a function of time in the future, present and past from the beginning of its destabilisation https: //

Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.

Delusions of grandeur, a type of schizophrenic disorder. Seizures are treated as inpatients.

the author just engaged everything, spat on the principles


exactly water and basic principles known to all

not to run into similar discussions, it is necessary to write this not on the forum, to convey their ideas, which, incidentally, for some reason come on the fly

More than 10 years have passed since the article was published about this, and you consider this "on the fly"?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Over 10 years have passed since the article about this was published, and you consider this to be "on the go"?

was wrong here

Yosya, you didn't break forex's back, it broke your mind. Though where it's thin, it's torn. See a doctor or something.
Vladimir Baskakov:
Yosya, it wasn't you who broke the back of Forex, it was he who damaged your mind. Though where it's thin, it's torn. See a doctor or something.


If I write that your monkey mind was the only thing that was missing, it's a huge demotion for me.


Delusions of grandeur, a type of schizophrenic disorder. The attacks are managed in an inpatient setting.

And you have delusions of grandeur without delusions called envy, which are not cured except in a crematorium.

Vladimir Baskakov:
Yosya, you didn't break forex's back, he broke your mind. Though where it's thin, it's torn. See a doctor or something.

See a doctor yourself and find a cure for jealousy! No one in the world has yet fully understood my work, and it would be strange for you to understand anything. Don't get upset. It's not a human mind at this stage of brain development. There have been prodigies like Doe in history, so I talk to them in my spare time. You don't like my approach, exercise your right to pass.