Charles Dow's theory - page 18

what people do not invent)))))) I have learned the simplest - this is a rebound, a false break or a level break-everything, absolutely everything I need is these three things))))
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

There, next to the formulas, are their graphs too. Could I say anything if I had seen them somewhere? Who could I have seen them from? It's impossible to peek at such things. What's scary is that the thought occurred to you. I feel sorry for you. All my thoughts are crossed out after 10 years of hard work. I do not understand how and when I gave a reason for such suspicions. I wanted to open a special, "eternal" PNB subject, to teach all those who wish to go forward to progress, to teach children of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, in schools of higher education, etc., etc. institutions. To rewrite all mathematics from scratch, to do away with all functions, as PNBs themselves turn into them in a fraction of a second. Their seeming simplicity indicates that they are super-complex to understand. That's the way nature works.

I am sincerely sorry for crossing out all your "thoughts over 10 years of hard work". But you, Yusuf, have done wrong.

You have seen an incomprehensible formula somewhere and decided to pass it off as your great scientific discovery.

When you told me that t is price and 1/tau is impedance, I began to doubt whether you have science education. Because:

  1. in science it is customary to denote t is the current time of the system, tau is the characteristic time of the system.
  2. We know from school that the argument of the function must be dimensionless. That is why dimensionless time (t/tau) is everywhere in "your" formulas. And what is the dimensionality of y (price)x(impedance)?
  3. Here are your words: " All calculations are done by formula P. It has a window for substituting price ". I will disappoint you: the values of the integral function P do not depend on t, i.e. price. I'm afraid you don't quite realise this even now.

Finally, the incomplete gamma function that you so rashly passed off as your great discovery capable of rewriting all mathematics has been known since Euler's time. It's a pity good mathematicians on this forum avoid your threads. Otherwise the embarrassment would have hit you on the first page. Shame on you, Yusuf.

Incomplete gamma function

{ "results": [ {"date": "1609145638", "module": "", "id": "2_8807", "info":{"url": "", "author_name": "Maxim Romanov", "author_login": "223231", "title": "Self Adaptive Algorithm (Part III): Rejecting Optimization", "avatar60x60": "", "platform": "MetaTrader 5", "category": "Trading"}, "text": "Introduction Before you start studying this article, I recommend to read the second article of the series ' Development of a self-adaptive algorithm (Part II): Improving efficiency. The methodology in the current article will differ significantly from what has been discussed previously, but familiarity with the previous articles in the series will be helpful in understanding the problem. Gap analysis As with the last time, I'll start with a gap analysis of the previous successful version. The following disadvantages are detected during the analysis: The signal to open and close positions is generated based on the analysis of candlesticks. The candlesticks are of unstable size, some candlesticks are big and some are small. We often see positions opened on the basis of the excess of downside or upside candlesticks, and then the downside and upside candlesticks are equal, but the profits of the open positions are still negative. The question arises: close the positions or wait for the profit. If I close, the whole point of trading comes to naught..."}, {"date": "1295721182", "module": "", "id": "3_131308_3353084", "info":{"url": "", "author_name": "Andrey Dik", "author_login": "joo", "title": "Where is the line between fitting and realistic patterns?", "avatar60x60": ""}, "text": "In order to make sure that the TC is not dumbed down to an optimization period, run an OOS test. That's right. But. OOS should contain information that differs from that contained in the optimization period to be sure that TS is capable of generalization (some regularity was found and the results will be similar on different data but containing this regularity). Otherwise, the test on OOS will have the same results as on sample, but it will not be a confirmation that the TS learned a pattern, and in the future the TS will not be able to work with the same results. Now, pay attention! Question: Do you check that the OOS contains data other than S? If so, how?"}, {"date": "1209393451", "module": "", "id": "3_108309_3038011", "info":{"url": "", "author_name": "Leonid", "author_login": "LeoV", "title": "Please give your opinion."}, "text": "So, in your opinion, it is not possible to determine the future workability of the TC by any criteria? Well and I do not believe in the existence of eternal TS, with or without neural networks, it does not matter. Any TS has a lifespan, like everything in this world. So I wrote that we had trained the TS and got good equity during the training period and out-of-sample period, but what next? After all, this all does not guarantee any work in the future. For example, I don't have a problem making a TS and getting good equity on OOS and training. Even very good on OOS. But this TS does not always work well on the real market. It may be better or worse. It is not clear what it depends on. So I am struggling with the question - how to understand, estimate or calculate whether the TS will work in the future?
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.
 Мудрец с искривленной шеей, повинуясь знаку эмира, выступил вперед:

- Несравненный собрат мой по мудрости Гуссейн Гуслия правильно назвал звезды, что доказывает познания его, усомниться в которых никто не осмелится. 
Но, - продолжал мудрец, и в голосе его Ходжа Насреддин почувствовал коварство, - почему мудрейший 
Гуссейн Гуслия не назвал перед великим эмиром шестнадцатого стояния луны и созвездия, на которое это стояние приходится, ибо без этих обозначений неосновательным было 
бы утверждать, что вторник - день планеты Марса - точно указывает на смерть великих людей,
в том числе и носящих корону, ибо планета Марс имеет дом в одном созвездии, возвышение в другом, падение в третьем и ущерб в четвертом, и, в соответствии с этим, 
планета Марс имеет четыре разных указания, а не одно только, как сказал нам почтеннейший и мудрейший Гуссейн Гуслия.

Мудрец умолк, и на губах его играла змеиная улыбка; придворные одобрительно зашептались, радуясь посрамлению вновь прибывшего. Оберегая свои доходы и высокое положение,
 они старались никого со стороны не допускать во дворец и в каждом новом человеке видели опасного соперника.

Но Ходжа Насреддин если уж за что-нибудь брался, то не отступал никогда. Кроме того, он насквозь видел и мудреца, и придворных, и самого эмира. 
Нисколько не смутившись, он снисходительно ответил:

- Может быть, мой почтенный и мудрый собрат несравненно превосходит меня в какой-либо другой области познаний, но что касается звезд, то он обнаруживает 
своими словами полное незнакомство с учением мудрейшего из всех мудрых ибн-Баджжа, 
который утверждает, что планета Марс, имея дом в созвездии Овна и Скорпиона, возвышение - в созвездии Козерога, падение - в созвездии Рака и ущерб - 
в созвездии Весов, тем не менее всегда присуща только дню вторнику, на который и оказывает свое влияние, пагубное для носящих короны.

Отвечая, Ходжа Насреддин ничуть не опасался быть уличенным в невежестве, ибо отлично знал, 
что в таких спорах побеждает всегда тот, у кого лучше привешен язык, а в этом с Ходжой Насреддином трудно было сравниться.

Forgive me, Yusuf, but reading your answers always brings to mind another Hoxha, from a book.

Maksim Emeliashin:

Forgive me, Yusuf, but when I read your answers, I always think of another Hoxha, from a book.

To look up to him in ingenuity is the dream of every teenager in the East, although it is a collective image of those times.

Doctor well done, all in one place. Yusya, stop plagiarizing

Gentlemen! Gentlemen! You're pointing your oars in the wrong direction! It's in the gutter!

We're not here to take each other out in the open, but to build some kind of grail based on real stock data. Why? Read the whole branch, it's not a big one.

I understand if you are a professional faker and do not make money on real speculation, but on the suckers of the crowd, then you have to smear any innovation on the wall, along with snot and feces.

I expect that my friend Renka will take something useful from Yusuf's theories and give us an adviser or indicator, or ideas to further improve the BA as a tool for making successful trading decisions, because CME does not give us the depth of the glass, and without it the BA remains at the level of "lucky trading".

So the plan was to see if Yusuf's ideas would crack that nut in a different way.


Gentlemen! Gentlemen! You've got your mules in the wrong place! This is...

That was the plan, in case Yusuf's ideas cracked that nut another way.

Forget it, Yusuf's theory takes very little into account

and no supercomputer can do what it takes.


forget it, Yusuf's theory takes very little into account

and no supercomputer can do what it takes.

Hey Fast235, at least don't be an Italian locust, changing your appearance and character depending on the change of scenery, but stick to one line for or against!

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Hey Fast235, at least don't be an Italian locust, changing your appearance and character depending on the change of scenery and stick to one line for or against!

Yusuf here you are confused, I didn't agree or you just didn't recognise the sarcasm