Who still believes that the forex market is submitted to technical analysis? - page 9

Georgiy Merts:

Late to the shitting, of course... But, I will say.

I don't just 'believe' it, I can see it.

It very much lends itself to it. It's just that the principles at work are constantly changing - consequently, the principles of analysis must also be constantly changing. And everything will be fine.

So a working strategy is like a trend, you always see in hindsight...

Andrei Trukhanovich:

No, Yura, it's hard to mistake you for someone else. Few people clown around with that kind of aplomb.

That is, your assertion, Andrew, hangs in the air without evidence. But do not get upset, if there are no arguments on the forum for a particular personality, it is quite normal, let's consider your premise refers to the well-known proverb, farting is not like pulling sacks.


Don't you think it's a match?


Сетевой маркетинг: кормушка для избранных? | Документальный фильм Би-би-си
Сетевой маркетинг: кормушка для избранных? | Документальный фильм Би-би-си
  • 2020.11.27
  • www.youtube.com
Вы хотели бы найти работу в индустрии красоты со свободным графиком и доходом, исчисляемым шестизначными цифрами? Хотели бы путешествовать и проводить время ...
Oleg Tsarkov:

So a working strategy is like a trend, you always see in hindsight.

If I see situations repeating over and over again on history, they will continue to do so. We have to use it.

Who does not notice it, for him the market is SB.

On the tick chart the price movement is close to the SB and it is logical.

Uladzimir Izerski:

If I see situations repeated over and over again in the story , they will continue to be repeated. I have to use that.

A very bold statement!

The price function of time CANNOT be defined by any repetition and analysis!

It cannot be defined at all!


You've been "sitting" on the forex market for 15 years and still don't get it!


And there is nothing to formulate - it's simple.

Teganalysis is trying to form a future price from the past!

It is also called the Grail :)

As soon as this word appears in the title of a forum thread - 100 pages of discussion guaranteed!


Revelations of FOREX trader

Well, the methods of analysis are different. It is necessary to define, what exactly we are talking about. The future forecast from the past is only the most general, it is incorrect to combine many different approaches based on it.


A very bold statement!

The price function of time CANNOT be determined by any repetition and analysis!

It cannot be determined at all!

Added by

You've been "sitting" on the forex market for 15 years and still don't get it!

Price does not lend itself to a stable mathematical formula and therefore it is not predictable?

In finance, and other fields, there are many ways of predicting and quite successful ones. Including with the help of TA.

With TA you can see several steps ahead.

Even simple beekeepers can show by the dance of insects-bees at what distance and direction from the hive the bees will take a bite. And even the bees understand the dance-graph. Hee.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Even simple beekeepers can tell from the insect-bee dance at what distance and direction from the hive the bees take a bribe. And even the bees understand the dance-graph. Hee.

We should make an acquaintance with one of the simple beekeepers of the chart dance and show the bees the chart.

Oleg Tsarkov:

We should make an acquaintance with one of the common beekeepers by dance-graphs and show the bees the timetable.

It is not clear yet, who has lived longer on the ground man or bee?

Maybe bees are smarter? They live in families, they know how to build, make supplies, and read charts.


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