Who still believes that the forex market is submitted to technical analysis? - page 13


Why trust?

Just pay (regularly) to your DC for the money.

That is what FOREX is for!

Why? all brokers have the same quotes. spreads are now low. how can your broker fool you?)

Yuriy Zaytsev:

in forex, the price can easily be shaped by the kitchen - and there is no substance with which to check the price


well yes the kitchen can draw any price. all the possibilities are there.
some do sometimes.

What's wrong with Yahoo Finance?

and where do the quotes come from?

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Come on, I'm joking. Of course you are right.

But the question about the cost of holding positions in drawdown for a long time is interesting.

If you have a drawdown or surplus you do not pay anything and you can hold the position for 10 years if you have virtually come into your own.

If you buy with leverage, you pay and it differs from broker to broker. But if the stock is what's called a trend stock, the leverage payment more than pays for itself.

On one of the small accounts from level 206 after the dividends I took a position on Uber, all I got is XXXX shares, which is about X.X million, I waited till the gap closing and waited till 270 and I used a little leverage - my expenses (about XXK) were much less than profits of XXXK. Just Uber as everything else was very predictable after the winter fall when everything collapsed. It was a very profitable year for the bull.

I don't want to give any direct figures. Profit is about 30% of the investment.


It is imperative that the quotations at the different banks on the forex market are equal.

Otherwise - ideal conditions for arbitrage, which in its turn aligns the quotes.

The picture of one broker was posted here.
this broker has a hairpin, at a time when other brokers do not have such a hairpin.


So a hedge fund with accounts in two banks at the same time cannot make moneyX on different prices of the same asset?

They're dumb, wha.....

if the doc makes a spike for a second and doesn't let you open for that second, you won't make any money.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

You can easily see for yourself - open an account at 10 dealing desks "kitchens", stand for a moment and see for yourself.

Usually the difference is no more than one spread.
You won't make any money on it, because you will pay more for the spread than you will earn on the difference.


the IDEAL conditions for arbitrage - that's why the dcs are fighting with all means and methods against high-frequency trading.

hft is a bit different, it belongs to the realm of marketmaking. on retail forex you can't do marketmaking.


And the banks on FOREX have the same quotes.

Where do you get quotes from banks?


The banks on the FOREX have the same quotes because high-frequency trading is not prohibited there - arbitrage machines align quotes.

So in DCs no trading methods are banned either.


They're going to pile on and throw names of bought-out forex mathematicians!

There are no bought mathematicians from forex.


Price(t) !=Grail

like a discretization of price over time?

Даниил Минин:

there's no bought in forex mathematicians.

Like discretising price over time?


Price(t) != Grail

Where did you get this post?

Couldn't find it, but I wonder what the answer was with this