Discussion of Sultonov's draft laws on marginal trading activities - page 8

Vladimir Baskakov:
Yes, Yosya, you need to end with the blueprints, you are our lawmaker, our forex winner

Come on, don't insult the guru

In my opinion, the proposed TC laws are quite good. The only mistake is to start advocating them to DCs, not traders.

Where does it then give you the right to call your provisions laws and suggest that everything previously known about the market should be rejected? Shouldn't you have checked everything thoroughly before you speak with such arrogance?

p.s. In general, what is written in this thread gives the impression of the consequences of mental illness to the letter sh.

These are draft laws. Acknowledge them, follow them or not - your right.

Aleksey Nikolayev:
In my opinion, the proposed TC laws are quite good. The only mistake is to start advocating them to DCs, not traders.

Then, traders should be aware of what is going on, at least.


Where does it then give you the right to call your provisions laws and suggest that everything previously known about the market should be rejected? Shouldn't you check everything thoroughly before you speak with such hubris?

p.s. in general, what is written in this thread gives the impression of the consequences of mental illness with the letter sh.

The answer to a similar question:

Oleg avtomat:

Yusuf, how can you call this list "laws"...?

I see this list more as an "instruction manual".

Yusuf, is it you??? It seems to me that someone else is giving it away... Hello, Oleg. Of course it's me, don't doubt it. How could you, a recognized expert on the laws of logic, doubt that it was me who could make such speculations about trade process as a particular case of an intelligent human activity? What are the letters NDP containing deep philosophic meaning, which is understood only by you on the Earth, though I tried to acquaint all the earthlings. Our great ancestors, including Newton, Einstein and many other celebrities, were unable, to fully grasp the phenomenon of the NDP, which enters the NDP as one of the three parameters, which prompted me to recognize the NDP as the basic law of her majesty of nature!

You could call it an instruction, but it seems to me that it's more than an instruction.

When everyone has to comply with an instruction, it becomes a law.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Then, traders should at least be aware of what is going on.

You understand that only a person who has signed an agreement with a brokerage company is a trader. If your laws are put in all such agreements, it will be impossible to be a trader without agreeing to them by signing a contract with a dealing center.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

your account has a limit of 500 simultaneously open orders

if you want to close on a signal rollover, you must enable theClosRevers setting

Aleksey Nikolayev:

You understand that only a person who signed an agreement with a brokerage company is a trader. If your laws are included in all such agreements, it will be impossible to be a trader without agreeing to them by signing a contract with a dealing center.

Let traders operate legally.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

What is the phrase and who am I talking to, what are your theoretical and/or practical achievements so that I can decide whether to talk to you or ignore you? From now on, I will do so with everyone, until the interlocutor is verified before my eyes, the lafa is over. Whoever wants to talk to me will first have to introduce themselves in this way.

Yusya, your trading accomplishments are nil. First get verified by a psychiatrist, then broadcast
Aleksey Nikolayev:

You understand that only a person who signed an agreement with a brokerage company is a trader. If your laws are included in all such agreements, it will be impossible to be a trader without signing a contract with a dealing center.

Once one very respectable person told me a story about himself. In the distant past, now almost bygone days, he was a young and very promising Ph.D. in physics, he was the head of theoretical physics department. And somehow our grandfather, who had nearly participated in civil war, came to them and started showing off - what have you here, all physics is entirely capitalistic-imperialistic, it is necessary to create ideologically correct soviet physics. And he swoops down like in saber-rattling. The good old man is invited to make a pilgrimage, but he cannot do it - he says the Soviet physics. Eventually the janitors pushed him out - the theorists were praying - thank god. But it was a long way off. The grandfather came to the Committee, there he threatened to go to Moscow with his idea of reformation of physics, and as the grandfather was some very honored veteran, it was improper just to send him to mental hospital. In general, the first secretary of the Communist Party called my friend personally and said: "As you wish, but settle the situation with my grandfather. The first secretary was probably cooler then than the governor now, therefore physicists have reflected, and here just the grandfather materialized with a joyful face of the winner. They greeted him by name and gave him tea with gingerbread and jam. They have no time for tea, they should create new laws of physics, the Soviet ones. Theorists said that they were right - physics should be Soviet, but all physics is based on mathematics, and the Soviet maths is not very rich. It is necessary first to create ideologically correct mathematics, and then we will build physics on this basis. So my grandfather was sent to the mathematicians.

Something came back to me.