Self-learning the MQL5 language from scratch - page 18

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

I don't know what to say. Everyone seems to have their own way of doing things. I don't insist. But goals can be solved in different languages, and one may not know the syntax when choosing a goal, but only the possibilities. There are libraries for websites in python, and the site can be done in python, pxp, jumla, html or any other, it is a question of price and availability of ready functionality (scripts), and this is a problem statement and requires deeper knowledge of the language. We can select the following scripts to work with series: MKL, Python, R and Matlab. The native MCL will be enough for setting orders by MAs.

Everything just has to be in harmony. Knowing the mechanics of the car is not the same as driving it well. But not knowing the mechanism is bad for breakdowns on the road.)

And to each his own, often a good coder is not a good algorithmist and vice versa. If together these qualities are good, it's cool and expensive usually, but not so often.))))

I agree that most people are looking for easy solutions and start learning the language that is popular and related to this or that field.
But if a person wants to learn mql, he obviously does not need to learn php and web. One has to wonder in what language this mql is written and choose the least resistance in the knowledge of the language.

And regarding the automobile...
For this reason there is a hierarchy in IT companies, someone is a typist, someone is an architect, someone is a tester, etc. and everyone specializes in his area.
And here you are all in one person)). And in finance, trading, and statistics, you have to understand it.
You're just a mega brain. You sure? Go for it.


I agree that most people are looking for easy solutions, and start learning the language that is popular and relevant to this or that field.
But if a person wants to learn mql, he obviously does not need to learn php and web. One has to wonder in what language this mql is written and choose the least resistance in the knowledge of the language.

And regarding the automobile...
For this reason there is a hierarchy in IT companies, someone is a typist, someone is an architect, someone is a tester, etc. and everyone specializes in his area.
And here you are all in one person)). And in finance, trading, and statistics, you have to understand it.
You're just a mega brain. You sure? Go for it.

Well, I have experience from position of a problem setter, and when I had to execute these tasks myself, the structure of work is deeply ingrained. Division of goals, tasks, tools capabilities is logical, understandable and often doesn't make me go around in circles).

Although I am a bad coder.)))

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Well, I have experience as a task manager and when I had to perform these tasks myself, the structure of work seems to have taken root.
Separation of goals, tasks, tools capabilities is logical, understandable and often does not make me go around in circles).

I'm a bad coder, though.))

All this comes with experience as they say.
Considering that you know Fortran, that's already a specialized plus.
I wanted to study it too but there's almost no helpful information about it, so it's not so easy yet.


It all comes with experience as they say.
Considering that you know Fortran, that's already a specialist plus.
I was going to study it too, but there's almost no good information on it, so it's not going to work out.

Nah... In 85-86 we learnt procedural Fortran 4, though there was already Fortran 77 with OOP, in which catbust was implemented in those years. I just found out not long ago) COCOM, if I remember correctly, restricted the spread of technology for the Soviet Union).


Dear programming experts!

I am carefully following your discussion, started on page 14 of this thread. I want to emphasize once again that there is and will never be a consensus on the organization of self-study.


I can assume that even if a miracle happened, and you all at once began to study at the same educational institution in the specialty "Programming", and with the same teacher, in the end, after training, you would develop on your INDIVIDUAL way. Specially enlarging and underlining this text.

Thank you very much for your active cooperation and advice! All constructive suggestions are accepted and analyzed!

Regards, Vladimir.

Реter Konow:
I think Vasiliy wants to try to teach a beginner OOP thinking, where everything except OOP itself is secondary. Don't start with variables, operators, arrays, but start with classes, inheriting properties, building object hierarchies and connecting to powerful libraries. Transfer from "nursery" and go straight to university.)))

There is no such goal at all. OOP is useless to teach if there is no understanding at the previous level. And it comes down to a specific skill: the ability to decompose tasks and work with functions (write your own and call system functions).

Vasiliy Sokolov:

There is no such goal at all. OOP is useless to teach if there is no understanding at the previous level. And it comes down to a specific skill: the ability to decompose tasks and work with functions (write your own and call system functions).

It's interesting to consider this skill on a practical task. Recently, I decided to redesign a tree list from scratch. The previous technology was flawed and glitchy. I had to "decompose" and implement the functionality all over again. This time, I wrote an almost perfect solution (I'll demonstrate it later) - compressed, universal code fit inside an even larger mechanism for managing the phenomenon of any elements. I was surprised myself how good it turned out (immodestly, though :)). So, the question is: how and what did I decompose? Honestly - I don't know. ))) My thoughts and solutions just come to me and I implement them... I guess practice and only practice is the main engine of improvement in programming, and with it comes all the rest.
Vasiliy Sokolov:

There is no such goal at all. OOP is useless to teach if there is no understanding at the previous level. And it comes down to a specific skill: the ability to decompose tasks and work with functions (write your own and call system functions).

Does decomposing mean separating?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Does decomposing mean separating?

In simplistic terms, yes.

Реter Konow:
It's interesting to look at this skill on a practical problem. Recently, I decided to redesign a tree list from scratch. The previous technology was flawed and glitchy. I had to "decompose" and implement the functionality all over again. This time, I wrote an almost perfect solution (I'll demonstrate it later) - compressed, universal code fit inside an even larger mechanism for managing the phenomenon of any elements. I was surprised myself how good it turned out (immodestly, though :)). So, the question is: how and what did I decompose? Honestly - I don't know. ))) My thoughts and solutions just come to me and I implement them... I guess practice and only practice is the main engine of improvement in programming, and with it comes everything else.

You want my advice when I haven't seen your code or the problem you were solving? I also honestly don't know how or what you decomposed. I can't say anything about that.