Is underperformance the main reason for forex losses? - page 7


So in forex you have to make a profit of 100 pips or more, that's what I'm guided by.

Where did you get this information?

Reminds me of the famous saying:

Knowing where to fall, I'd lay down straws;


To know where to lay a straw - it is logical not to fall!


Missed 280 pips

Underperformed today. What do we think?


Underperformed today. What do we think?

Norm. It's better not to catch a bargain. It has a beginning and an end only seen on history. If you are lucky, it is good, but instead of a white swan, a black one may arrive. On one tick may make some shorts that were going up, and the speeds are high... so it's better to go quieter, the main thing is not to make a loss.


Underperformed today. What do we think?

There are no pips on gold, so you didn't miss them.
You can't lose/gain what you don't have.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

There are no pips on gold, so you don't miss them.
You can't lose/gain something that isn't there.

What doesn't exist? What did I miss then?


how not? What did I miss then?


Vitaly Muzichenko:

There are no pips on gold, so you don't miss them.
You can't lose/gain something that isn't there.

Everything is there, and the pips, after the comma and the points before
Vladimir Baskakov:
Everything is there, pips, after the comma and pips before

Do not mislead people, at least read competent sources!

There are no pips and there cannot be any. Pips are on the currency section, while gold, like oil, as well as stocks, bonds, etc., are not included in the currency section.

Do you count Russian stocks in pips as well?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Do not mislead people, at least read competent sources!

There are no pips and there cannot be any. Pips are on the currency section, while gold, like oil, as well as stocks, bonds, etc., are not included in the currency section.

Do you count Russian stocks in pips as well?

Vitaly, there are points everywhere. For several hundred years. It's just that there used to be no all-conquering dollar and all exchanges were relegated to the same language. In Tokyo - the yen, in London - the pound. It's embarrassing to say - different exchanges in the same Japan traded in pips, not yen. Those were troubled times.

And rice was measured in points and meat. And now the price of all exchange-traded commodities is measured in points, which has nothing to do with Point().