Is there a grail?) - page 4


Link The last year has messed up the status, without year 20 the drawdown is 4 times better

Ps Who is thinking of buying, share the result

Most likely a rollover martin. The reversal is done with a lot many times the original lot. I would say that it is not appropriate to classify such EAs as grails.


Most likely a rollover martin. A rollover is carried out with a lot many times the initial lot. It is not customary here to classify such EAs as grails.

Not that kind of grail:)


Link The last year has messed up the status, without year 20 the drawdown is 4 times better

Ps Who is thinking of buying, share the result

ah! that's the one who uses "usemerence". know him.

Comrades, don't send me offers to teach me how to push the buy/sell buttons or take some money from me and make me gold with a leverage of 2000. I know how to do it all on my own for a long time. Read the thread carefully.
What kind of drawdown?
You can tell right away that it's Martin's type and the drawdowns are within the account's diposit, no more than that...
Comrades, don't PM me with offers to teach me how to push the buy/sell buttons or take some money from me and with a leverage of 2,000 to make me golden. I've been able to do it all myself for a long time. Read the thread carefully.

I would take PAMMs into management but for Moex....

Mihail Marchukajtes:

I would take over a PAMM but for Moex....

I'm not offering to manage the account.
I'm looking for a trading robot. For whom I am willing to give half of my profits.
I'm not offering to manage the account.
I'm looking for a trading robot. For whom I am willing to give half of my profits.

There's no such thing, you can stop looking, any robot requires optimisation and proper maintenance. What good is my robot if I build models for it in optimizer written in Java, which work very short hours within 2-5 days?

That's it!!!!

I don't offer to manage the account.
I'm looking for a trading robot. For which I'm willing to give half my profits.

So you believe in the Grail, huh? You're doing the right thing. Amen to that.


I'm looking for a trading robot. For which I'm willing to give half the profits.

That's not a serious offer... :

"Give me your GRAAL, and I'll maybe pay you back half of the profits from some account...".

Usually: "Money in the morning and chairs in the evening ... but money up front!"