Is making easy money out of thin air on the forex market immoral? - page 3

Dmitry Fedoseev:
I ask a search engine "how the rentiers ruined France" and all I find is"how World War Iruinedthe rentiers".

It was a little earlier, the sunset of the king, where the king printed money, usury interest rose and everything quickly ended with the king's crisis. Perhaps the first economic crises are more accurate. And the phrase is from a history textbook from the '70s. And it's essentially correct.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

It was a little earlier, the sunset of the king, where the king printed money, usury interest rose and everything quickly ended with the king's crisis. Probably the first economic crises. And the phrase is from a history textbook from the '70s. And it's essentially correct.

А... the king will always find someone to blame. The king printed the money and the rentiers are to blame.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

A fundamentally flawed judgement. Rentiers have ruined France, and we must remember that. It is simply the least evil and the rest of the evil is greater. And when the stock exchange, with its 99% non-productive turnover goes over 99 and taxes from non-productive and non-vital spheres exceed half, there is a crisis, so it must be remembered and understood. And so, yes, if everyone is an artist and a trader, there will be nothing to eat.

Commodity turnover is life, equality of commodity and money supply is life. But the distortions are always at the end of a crisis. And in either direction. And crisis is sometimes death for some people. And life is better than death a priori)))))

Modern Singapore... what does it produce?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

It was a little earlier, the sunset of the king, where the king printed money, usury interest rose and everything quickly ended with the king's crisis. Probably the first economic crises you have to look up. And the phrase is from a history textbook from the '70s. And it's essentially correct.

Yes, the moneylenders ruined France, that's right. Apparently in the 70s, rentier and usurer were the same for Soviet historians.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Modern Singapore ... what does it produce?

Financial and tourism services for countries that produce manufacturing services. And without those countries, it would never have reached the current level of development).

It's just that production margins allow non-production margins to live on. And when it is skewed, production declines. If we don't take the banking and investment sector, it can be attributed to the production sector, if the non-production sectors of the economy fall, life will stop of course, but it will not change the point of development, but if production falls. For example if the crisis leads to bankruptcy of all chip makers, then we will be back to 90 nm. )))) God forbid of course)))

Dmitry Fedoseev:

А... the king will always find someone to blame. The king printed the money and the rentiers are to blame.

))))) Lan... well, the finance minister is to blame)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Financial and tourism services for countries producing manufacturing services. And without these countries, it would never have reached today's level of development).

It is simply that productive profitability allows non-productive profitability to live on. And when it is skewed, production declines. If we don't take the banking and investment sector, it can be classified as productive, if the non-productive sectors of the economy fall, life will certainly stop, but it will not change the point of development, but if production falls. For example if the crisis leads to bankruptcy of all chip makers, then we will be back to 90 nm. )))) God forbid of course)))

Read wiki at least. Singapore is a very manufacturing country and, strange as it may seem to you, a very export dependent country.

A stable economy is primarily a balance of manufacturing and non-manufacturing businesses. And this balance will be struck naturally - there can't be only traders if there is no production and vice versa, at some point trading becomes less profitable than production when the balance is shifted to one side. This balance is regulated, among other levers, by tax rates depending on the type of business.

Here is an interesting picture:

the tax map must necessarily be seen through the prism of production in the respective countries.

It can be seen that the well-being of citizens does not always correlate with the tax levied, but also the political order, the availability of natural resources, the availability of human and historical resources and the aboriginal mentality play a role, among others.


Australia understands why the Chinese pay such taxes

Exactly, there are export VAT refunds, so China can be crossed off the map


It's scary to know you're a slacker.

Andrey Dik:

You should at least read the wiki. Singapore is very much a manufacturing country and, strange as it may seem to you, a very export-dependent country.

A stable economy is first and foremost a balance between manufacturing business and non-manufacturing business. And this balance will be struck naturally - there can't be only traders if there is no production and vice versa, at some point trading becomes less profitable than production when the balance is shifted to one side. This balance is regulated, among other levers, by tax rates depending on the type of business.

Here is an interesting picture:

the tax map must necessarily be seen through the prism of production in the respective countries.

It can be seen that the wealth of citizens does not always correlate with the tax levied, but also the political order, the availability of natural resources, the availability of man-historical resources and the aboriginal mentality play a role, among others.

On Singapore, the answer was on the merits of the topic). Of course, Hong Kong is not what you would call unproductive either. A better example is probably Wall Street without customers)

But here's the balance naturally is utopia, as is an unregulated market. Only a properly regulated market can grow. Everything else is bogus. And it's a big misconception that marketers offer self-regulating, without strict and clear rules/laws market conditions. The question is how to understand the word regulate.))

In China, they just added prison and firing squad to market responsibility in the form of bankruptcy. And here is the result. )))) But I wouldn't want that kind of responsibility))))