Is making easy money out of thin air on the forex market immoral? - page 6


Today you make easy money on Forex, and tomorrow you will sell your motherland!

on the subject, if you replace the phrase trade/forex/exchange, then any non-productive sphere can be called parasitic, even art, even sports, even tourist business.... everything is relative, there is a demand - there is a supply, imho

Igor Makanu:

Today you make easy money on Forex, and tomorrow you'll sell your motherland!

any non-productive sphere can be called a parasitic one, be it art, sports or tourism.... Everything is relative, there is a demand and a supply, imho.

No. It is a question of the development of society and the theme in this development. The moment is in the gradations, and their setting is a prognosis in relation to the development, close to the BP prognosis. Therefore it is ambiguous. Well and here to morals, what they are right, i.e. promote development and reproduction of members of society, rather than what is thought about, unfortunately it is so..... well and conclusions....

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

No. It is a question of the development of society and the theme in that development. Momentum in the gradations, and their setting is a prognosis regarding development, close to the BP prognosis. Therefore it is ambiguous. Well and here to morals, what they are more correct, i.e. promote development and reproduction of members of a society, instead of what it is thought, unfortunately it is so..... well and conclusions....

You are wrong about the members.


In order to talk about parasitism in commodity-money relations, one must first understand what "money" is. This is very clearly explained in the film "Time". When you realise that money is your time multiplied by your skills (abilities), then you begin to understand how you are valued and realise that money is the source of all parasitism. The greatest parasite in the economy is the Bank. it is banks that give us money so that we can exchange our time and skills for goods that we need. in doing so, banks make money on this exchange without producing anything useful.

Igor Makanu:

Today you make easy money on Forex, and tomorrow you will sell your country!

Today you have sold your time (exchanged your time and skills for money in a factory) - tomorrow you will sell your homeland!

That is to say, easy money protects people from having to seek livelihood through violation of the law, up to and including a situation where the only way to survive is to sell the homeland.


when the only way not to die is to sell the Motherland.

The homeland is priceless - And thoughts of selling?




Homeland without a price - And thoughts of selling?

priceless ? .... did you skip classes at school?


at what price? would you sell your ancestors?

discussing such things is blasphemy.

Igor Makanu:

priceless? .... Did you skip school?

Discussing such things is blasphemy.

That's exactly blasphemy - you're the one who started it.


somehow, (Without) is better than (Without)

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That's exactly what blasphemy is - you were the first to start with the homeland

It's a common propaganda slogan

If I'm not mistaken, the first one was "Today he plays jazz, tomorrow he'll sell the motherland! "

Igor Makanu:

it's a common propaganda slogan

If I'm not mistaken, the first time it sounded like "Today he plays jazz, tomorrow he'll sell the motherland! "

Yes ! I understand it all. I don't mean anything bad against you, I just wanted to say it, and I was offended that someone is ready to sell his soul.


I understand that. I don't mean anything bad against you, I just wanted to say it, and I was offended that someone is ready to sell everything and his soul.

I'll sell my soul... dear ))))