Is making easy money out of thin air on the forex market immoral? - page 4

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

On Singapore, the answer was on the merits of the topic). Of course Hong Kong isn't exactly a manufacturing hub either. Wall Street without customers is probably a better example)

But here's the balance naturally is utopia, as is an unregulated market. Only a properly regulated market can grow. Everything else is bogus. And it's a big misconception that marketers offer self-regulating, without strict and clear rules/laws market conditions. The question is how to understand the word regulate.))

In China, they just added prison and firing squad to market responsibility in the form of bankruptcy. And here is the result. )))) But I wouldn't want that kind of responsibility))))

freedom without responsibility? aren't you an anarchist?

in Singapore you cannot even bring a piece of chewing gum into the country without heavy fines, that's the price of order. in Germany they charge high taxes and even religious taxes (and everyone pays for TV, regardless of whether they have a TV set) but no one suffers from hunger, while housing is built at 6% of the housing stock for the poor and disabled (housing is free when you can prove that you cannot afford it).

Andrey Dik:

Freedom without responsibility? Aren't you an anarchist, dear boy?

Then look at the laws in wealthy countries, in Singapore even a fart of chewing gum cannot be brought into the country without heavy fines, that is the price of order. In Germany high taxes and even a tax on religion (and everyone pays for TV regardless of the presence of a TV box) but no one suffers from hunger, and housing is built at a rate of 6% of the housing stock for the poor and disabled (housing is free if there is proof that you cannot afford to buy it yourself).

I don't understand why that conclusion is made. Exactly the opposite is true. In China just the tightening of market responsibility has yielded results. And with us.... You know it yourself)))))

Laws should not be cruel or harsh, but strict and clear.))) And keep the bureaucracy out of the economic relations of market entities.)))

And the courts should be separate))

"Trading" is essentially parasitizing the economy, people. Unproductive labor. Siphoning money out of nothing, or rather out of the productive sector of the economy, out of people who are working. And this is immoral. Because the easy income is provided at the expense of real labor. And this is a parasitic model.

The forex player is a parasite on society. And "trading" is essentially theft and idleness.
Stealing is embezzling the wallets of other "traders", as well as kitchens. And loafing - sitting in your pants in front of the monitor at home, clicking buyselves and making easy money! Which workers and toilers earn in the sweat of their brow!

Such an impertinent statement indicates that you have not understood the essence of trading. In order to make money trading you need to buy cheap and sell expensive. In our case, the subject of sales are exchange rates, stocks, indices... But the basic idea is that you buy cheap and sell expensive, and this is the definition of any business, including the shop where you buy your own alcohol. The shop sells expensively to you and buys cheaply from the supplier, just as the supplier sells expensively to the shop and buys cheaply from the producer. From your reasoning, it appears that both the supplier and the shop are parasitic on the buyer-producer monetary relationship. But from your point of view, the producer can also be added to the list of parasites. After all, the producer buys the raw material cheaply, mixes it up and gets the product you end up buying. That leaves the farmers who grow the raw materials.

Conclusion: Don't buy alcohol in a shop, buy the raw material from a farmer!

And then I remember a monologue: "Guys! Under no circumstances buy mushrooms - you are being cheated! I went to the woods yesterday - they grow there for free!"

So - grow your own food and raw materials and do not feed the bakers, chefs, tailors, sellers and you do not have to feed the state with wild taxes - and they are ... Well, that's politics.

As for easy money in trading, I remember a guru saying that "every dollar we earn in trading is one starving child somewhere in the world! So my attitude to his position is "as long as it's not my kid!"

And if it's immoral for you to take money in trading - don't take it, I dare not force you to do it. But if it is suddenly difficult for you to watch your money melt away in trading, I can tell you where to put it (money) and then I will watch all these processes for you without feeling pangs of (primarily your) conscience.

It is normal to think about the moral side of trading - it is not normal not to think about it.

Trading is pure speculation and has only one raison d'être - the redistribution of participants' money.

Does trading give rise to any vices - gambling/greed, or maybe it forms a wrong attitude to work and earned money, or breaks the psyche of a law-abiding individual by pushing him into debt and poverty? Quite possibly. But only to those who are inclined to it. Trading, in contrast, provides a powerful motivational springboard for intellectual development and leads to the development of the best qualities such as patience, perseverance, diligence, self-control ...

Trading means something different to everyone and it's incorrect to talk about general immorality.
The forex player is a parasite on society. And "trading" is essentially theft and idleness.


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The philosophy of algotrading

fxsaber, 2017.01.08 21:15

Definition: human activity is parasitic if it does not bring any benefit to society.

Sometimes one hears the bold statement that IT is parasitic. I.e. all the benefits that IT supposedly brings are in fact self-defeating. For example, meta-quotes are parasites from this point of view, because they do not bring anything useful to society, while sucking out the universal benefits that are produced by that society. This is a vast subject (IT is a parasite) and everyone decides for themselves. But probably not many will revive the unpleasant label on a familiar IT-related phenomenon.

Algotrading is one of the most parasitic spheres of human activity and also one of the most intelligent among them.

Accordingly, an algotrader is an intellectual parasite of society.

Any justification that algotrading stimulates the development of new technologies (algorithms+physics+microelectronics, etc.) are actually just excuses. So are the myths about creating so-called liquidity that is good for the economy.

I haven't come across any algotraders myself who care about this issue. Because it is a subaltern one, i.e. not at all down-to-earth. Or maybe because I have not met many of them.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies

The philosophy of algotrading

fxsaber, 2017.01.09 11:16

Interest in algotrading rests solely on greed. It's OK to do science as it generates interest. There can be no interest in algotrading for reasons other than money.

There is no upside to algotrading.

In South-East Asian countries gambling is treated in a sacred way. For example, if you have won, it means that the spirits of your ancestors support you. There's a lot of religious considerations there. That's why an enormous number of people living on that territory regularly lose their hard-earned money.

This might seem to be a disadvantage were it not for the explanation of the mechanism by way of example. Factory workers are demanding a pay rise. The boss eventually makes concessions, but hires/creates gambling places where the workers shed as much on average as the wages were raised. And the factory ends up staying afloat as it doesn't lose the money it needs for its development.

Or, for example, solid gambling clubs in those regions can serve as hidden social tax agents. They legally take money from the population through games, which the population is not able to spend rationally, and spend it on public needs: supporting education, building sports facilities, etc.

But even such examples do not concern algotrading in any way.


I agree.

I disagree. There is no theft or idleness in trading:

1. There is no theft, because the money is re-distributed between traders by mutual agreement.

2. there is no idleness because trading involves a deposit which must first be earned. Traders mostly drain, and therefore work even harder.

3. Within the law, it is everyone's personal choice how to spend their money. That choice cannot be taken away in a free society.


Trading like no other activity makes the "dark" masses smart in an attempt to make money intellectually. After trading, factory workers will be smart enough not to squander their wage supplements on the slot machines slipped to them. :)
The positive side of trading is the financial, economic and technical (in the case of algotrading) education of the individual, which one must inevitably go through as a powerfully motivated monetary interest. This is more of a plus than a minus. The personality believes in the lift between the grey everyday life and the beautiful life, which the factory does not promise. It is a chance (albeit an ethereal one), to escape from everyday hell and get on with life. People want to have hope.

It is rather the owners of the factory who are immoral, who pay the workers pennies.

I agree.

It will have to be judged.


I couldn't fix it on the website.

- Discuss.

Well, remove trading, the market, and all capitalism in general, leaving everyone morally pure farmers and workers. And no speculation, "loafing" and competition, - factory/farm in the morning, feasts/songs in the evening. Paradise.))) Pity, the World will not appreciate such a choice and will devour us, being essentially predatory.
The story about the immorality of speculative trading is a good excuse for those who failed and decided to leave forex. It gives you a chance to save face in front of your family and friendsif they declare you a loser :-)