Uladzimir Izerski page - page 20

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Draw this circle in isometry and show where it's the slice we see there. It's elementary. Grade 7 high school.

Price is a tangle of threads wound arbitrarily over time. We see the price slice on a flat chart. We can cut the ball in any place at any angle and the graph of the cut will obey a certain law.

This is pseudoscience))

Uladzimir Izerski:

What ideas did you come up with? You don't just walk in. So there was a purpose?

Right. A man who obviously hasn't met your posts wrote you a lot of words, like a whole verse.

And for what purpose? To learn, perhaps, something useful from you. He took it seriously.

But we - those of us who frequent the forum - know that it's water, since there hasn't been and will never be any monitoring.

There is nothing to waste his time waiting for something like this from you.

That's the kind of "idea" I wrote here.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It's hard to even explain it at once. It's like a neural brain system. I don't know how to implement it yet. There is an abstract object at the moment.

Correct me if I'm wrong;

In other words, for example the current EURUSD price chart, say daily, can be seen in a different way (volumetrically)?
But explain, what is the difference between a volumetric view (3D) and a regular one?
It does not tell us anything about its future evolution...
Even if we can virtually walk around it...
It still won't do anything.
A volumetric chart is not capable of representing emotion, or the news background.
How should that be interpreted?
Maybe there's some kind of example screenshot?
I'm sorry, okay...?
I don't get it.
But I don't think I'm stupid.
Give me a clue.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Correct me if I'm wrong;

In other words, for example the current EURUSD price chart, say a daily chart, can be seen in a different way (volumetric)?
But explain, what is the difference between the volumetric view (3D) and the regular view?
After all, it does not tell us anything about its future evolution...
Even if we can virtually walk around it...
It still won't do anything.
A volumetric chart is not capable of representing emotion, or the news background.
How should that be interpreted?
Maybe there's some kind of example screenshot?
I'm sorry, okay...?
I don't get it.
But I don't think I'm stupid.
At least give me a clue.

You could use a cluster. Many times more information than the classic bar view and 3DE graphics have nothing to do with it. A ball of yarn, that's a good one..... How did TC ever come up with this. We are facing a very rare specimen so let's keep it safe :-)

Vyacheslav Nekipelov:

Right. A man who clearly hasn't met your posts has written you a lot of words as a whole verse.

And for what purpose? To learn, perhaps, something useful from you. He took it seriously.

But we - those of us who frequent the forum - know that it's water, since there hasn't been and will never be any monitoring.

There is nothing to waste his time waiting for something like this from you.

That's the kind of "idea" I wrote here.

I may not be trading at all, but dabbling in studying price behaviour in the markets. Why do I need to put up monitoring? Do I ask for a job in a big bank or do I draw signals?

People in this thread have a lot to talk about. Among all the rubbish, there are very interesting thoughts and ideas. Why not use the forum?

Uladzimir Izerski:

Price is a ball of thread wound randomly through time. We see the price cut on a flat chart. It can be cut anywhere at any angle and the graph will obey a certain law.

This is pseudoscience))

Got it. Nothing so pseudoscientific here.

The association with the coil here is only that not all the data is recorded. A motorcyclist rides around the house, we can measure his speed as he passes us, and that speed won't tell us anything about what it will be on the next turn.

Or how about this: one bar is a projection of some multidimensional object onto a space of fewer dimensions.

I'm going up in the sky.
There are no people there.
Uladzimir Izerski:

I may not trade at all, but dabble in studying the price behaviour of the markets. Why would I want to monitor? Do I ask for a job at a big bank or do I draw signals?

People in this thread have a lot to talk about. Among all the rubbish, there are very interesting thoughts and ideas. Why not use the forum?

Eh... tangle of threads... and the behaviour of the participants in the trade...

OK, I gave the man a hoo-ha, just so he doesn't waste his time waiting for the moniker, and knows that so far your ideas are 'assumptions'.

I wouldn't just write like that.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Correct me if I'm wrong;

In other words, for example the current EURUSD price chart, say a daily chart, can be seen in a different way (volumetric)?
But explain, what is the difference between the volumetric view (3D) and the regular view?
After all, it does not tell us anything about its future evolution...
Even if we can virtually walk around it...
It still won't do anything.
A volumetric chart is not capable of representing emotion, or the news background.
How should that be interpreted?
Maybe there's some kind of example screenshot?
I'm sorry, okay...?
I don't get it.
But I don't think I'm stupid.
At least give me a clue.

It's nice to deal with an intelligent person.

EURUSD price chart, let's say a daily chart, can you see it differently (volumetrically)?

No. It's a slice of price from the intertwining of EUR and USD currencies.

But explain, what is the difference between the volumetric view (3D) and the regular view?

Maybe there is no difference,

I don't know how to penetrate the tangle of threads myself yet. But it could definitely be implemented in nD. Probably a quantum com can handle it instantly.

I didn't create any screenshots or drawings. There is only a model in representation.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Got it. Nothing so pseudoscientific here.

The association with the coil is just that not all the data is recorded here. A motorcyclist rides around the house, we can measure his speed as he passes us, and that speed won't tell us anything about what it will be on the next turn.

Or how about this: one bar is a projection of some multidimensional object onto a space of fewer dimensions.

It's a bit of a misnomer. A thread could be a single bar, or it could be strung together into a rope. Now think about it.