Undeserved negative comments and insults from a customer. What to do? - page 7

Andrey Minaev:

I am in favour of a constructive dialogue.

Well, that's fine.
Aleksei Mikhanoshin:

You are right. And at the same time, there are enough freelance programmers on this resource whose reviews (>100) are all positive. And quite deservedly so.

You are right too. But I still think it is important number of reviews compared to the number of jobs. If they are few - it's alarming for obvious reasons.

And if it is close to 100%, then as was said 20% (arbitrary figure, some limit of 5%) negative it is normal.

The main thing that almost every customer left a review, it means that the order was brought to its logical conclusion. And if 100% of A, but reviews are less than 50% of the work, then it's strange.

Especially considering the stories on the forum that customers for a "discount" and / or pleas of performers do not put negative feedback.

Andrey Minaev:

Who's not to talk to? This customer has been banned.

Why can't they delete this comment, it undermines reputation, and may influence decision of potential customers.

Where is the justice?

Do not pay attention morons enough - I personally ordered from you an adviser and all happy - I think many others too - especially do not forget that the competitors do not sleep - could be a custom version to screw up your stats.

Andrey Minaev:

Source code.

And that's a lifetime ban for this kind of thing.

Come to your senses - you have just committed an act of theft. The code with the rights belongs to the customer.
yuriy kovalchuk:

Good luck to you - I have a couple of ideas I'll get back to you later.

There you go, Andrei, life is getting better...

Быть хорошим для всех и всем нравится 0 бесполезно. -Andrey Minaev:

Source code.

If we remove the inp_signal_range check, the indicator will signal in all cases when two fast MAs are behind the slowest one and the stochastic is behind the level. It means that there will be unnecessary alerts.

But how to avoid extra alerts? That is, how to properly make an additional check is not clear from the task. This is a case where the task must be approached individually, to find out exactly what the client has in mind.

That is the case when the client can not say how the performer has bored me with his questions. If not all cases need to be signaled, it is not at all clear how to correctly sift out the right cases from the wrong ones. But checking for the number of bars is definitely the wrong approach (and not even because the number of bars is counted over time). The customer represents some other starting point from which to start waiting for a crossover. But which one is unknown.


And having looked through the discussion, that is exactly what the customer is asking - to check the number of bars. Then, if there are no errors in implementation of the algorithm, everything is correct.


But when I have such orders and find out what the client wants, it turns out that he himself isn't very conscious of it, so in the end he does it without additional checks.


What do I do? Once on youtube read the comments on some new clip of Olga Buzova)). So - score and that's it. It's impossible to be good for everyone and to please everyone.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

So - score and that's it. To be good for everyone and to please everyone is impossible.

Those are the golden words.

Maxim Kuznetsov:
And that's a lifetime ban for this kind of thing.

Come to your senses - you have just committed an act of theft. The code with the rights belongs to the customer.

Welcome to court, only a court can pronounce a guilty verdict.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the discussion on the issues.
yuriy kovalchuk:

Don't mind morons around here... I ordered an EA from you and I'm happy with it... I think many people are too... especially because your competition is always on edge... it could be a custom build to screw up your stats. Good luck to you, I have a few more ideas and I will ask you again later.

Oh, man. Very funny ) Oil freelance tycoons go after the gold mine with no mercy to the competition and no choice of methods. A hundred years from now they'll make a film "FRILANTS" about the first steps of the future masters of the world ))