What is the difference between a Successful Trader and an average Trader? - page 3


Serqey Nikitin:

What is the difference between a Successful Trader and an average Trader...?
The "profit" parameter is not worth discussing in this question, as it is only the consequence of the main differences...

A successful trader simply trades silently,

An average trader asks questions on a forum...

Sergey Chalyshev:

The successful trader just trades silently,

the average one asks questions on the forum...

Colleague, you are mistaken!

A successful trader and an ordinary trader can ask questions as well as trade silently... Not everyone can understand this simple thing... But try to improve yourself and you will succeed!


What is an average trader?

For example, if a trader does not earn consistently, it is an apprentice, or a gambler
Renat Akhtyamov:

and what is the average trader?

Statistically, about 5% are Successful Traders, so we can assume that everyone else is an average trader.

Serqey Nikitin:

Statistically, about 5% are Successful Traders, so we can assume that everyone else is an average trader.

I think that those who rely on average statistics are themselves a product of them. That's success!

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That's original. And the fact that someone is being parodied is also definitely a sign of some success. :)


Why are there so few Successful Traders?... There are practically no stupid people among traders... Quite clever and highly educated people come to trading...

If you search for analogies in life, the closest one is chess...

Practically everyone who begins to play chess acquires the first rank... And on their own...

After that there is very little growth... Only a few become candidates, and here a teacher is desirable...

Only a few individuals become chessmasters, and here you simply can't do without a chess school or chess academy...

Grandmasters are geniuses or incomparable people, and here you need not only the chess academy but also personal unique data...

If you compare trading and chess, then Successful Traders are candidates for master chess...

Perhaps there are other analogies, but the fact remains: Successful Traders are few...

One of the great traders said (not verbatim, approximately as I remember)
"If I could earn one pip a day with confidence,
I could become the richest man in the world"
TC correctly said that it's not about profit (not its size anyway).
A successful trader is someone who confidently earns that same point (exaggerated).
Confidently in this case, it is with a clear understanding of WHERE and WHEN.
In this thread I recently encountered something I came to myself.
That is, sooner or later each aspiring will come to his"point".
It's like tying your own shoelaces. I know 3 ways and the result is the same - the familiar bows.
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Не Грааль, просто обычненький такой - Баблокос!!!
  • 2012.08.05
  • www.mql5.com
нууу... так как пытливым(светлым) умам - мастерам математического слива не нравится Граалеподобные торговые системы... то и ладно...
There are no"successful traders". It's a phrase behind which there is nothing. There are only 5% good impersonators.