What is the difference between a Successful Trader and an average Trader?

The "profit" parameter is not worth discussing in this matter, as it is merely a CONSEQUENCY of the major differences...
Serqey Nikitin:
The "profit" parameter is not worth discussing in this matter, as it is just a consequence of the major differences...

A successful trader is losing less.

Evgeny Belyaev:

A successful trader is losing less.

Yes, it's like "profit" is a consequence... but not the cause...
By self-determination and self-perception. There are plenty of successful traders who only have a sense of perspective. And conversely, there are those who do not see themselves as geniuses, but are capable of something.
Sergei, you're a convict now, aren't you?
Vitaliy Maznev:
Self-determination and self-perception.

Interesting point of view... Most traders, precisely, rely on 'self-perception'...

Perhaps there are more "down-to-earth" evaluation parameters...?

Serqey Nikitin:

Interesting point of view... Most traders, precisely, rely on 'self-perception'...

Perhaps there are more "down-to-earth" parameters of evaluation...?

If it's not about profit, then I see purely self-perception. In general, if it's not about profit, I think trading itself has no objectives or prospects. This is the eternal hell of charts, in which a normal person would not sink. What for? To ruin his life in it?

Vitaliy Maznev:

If it is not about profit, I see only ego. And in general, if it wasn't about profit, then I think trading itself has no purpose or prospects.

Yes, you are right! Successful traders have the right to have "exceptional conceit"...

But the question is different ... To determine the differences ... and, if possible, level them out ....

Serqey Nikitin:

Yes, you are right! Successful Traders are entitled to "exceptional conceit"...

But the question is different... Identify the differences..., and, if possible, even them out...

That's the difference. Take any successful trader in your opinion and distinguish him from the rest. Profit is not an indicator for you. What is left? Only your assessment of a third-party trader, or his own ego.

And if you go by the profit, of course, you can go by the duration of successful trading. But then again, nothing is permanent in this area. Many previously successful traders also suffer losses, or even lose their lives. So success itself is a very slippery and short-term notion.

Vitaliy Maznev:

And if you go by profit, then of course you can go by the length of periods of successful trading.

You don't want to understand that a profit is the end result of a long process...

EXAMPLE: A runner completes the 100-meter run in 10 seconds...

10 sec is the analogue of profit for a trader... but this figure says nothing in terms of the development of OTHER traders...

Serqey Nikitin:

You don't want to understand that a PRIVACY is the end result of a long process...

EXAMPLE: A runner completed the 100m in 10s...

10 sec is an analogue of profit for a trader... but this figure does not say anything in terms of development of OTHER traders...

In general, the concept of "success" is purely an impression. Success is defined by someone through a purely subjective impression. And someone can see the same person in completely different forms. If you mean success, it is not an absolute parameter. And in order to really distinguish someone by clear, specific and real parameters, then you can talk about experience, the ability to do something better than anyone else, the accumulated knowledge. But not about success. And all these parameters do not necessarily predetermine success in anything.

You yourself define success on the basis of your views. Then the question will be more correct.