Discussion on the implementation of councillors. - page 3

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Why bother?

Use standard classes and you don't need to fill any structures(MqlTradeRequest) and you don't need to know any Fillings and Instants:

Hehe. And if you need to use these properties? It's not like everyone on forex is on UST and beyond.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Why bother?

Use standard classes and don't need to fill any structures(MqlTradeRequest) and don't need to know any Fillings and Instants:

I have my own analogues of these classes, so I need these functions in them.

Well and correctly noted above, sometimes these values may be needed in work. In particular, I have a check to see if the account on which the class is running allows the type of execution used.

Comments not related to this topic have been moved to "Questions from MQL4 MT4 MetaTrader 4 beginners".
Good evening all, is it possible to add to the metaeditor 5 zigzag indicator and how to implement it all I do not understand from which source to take the basis please)) Thanks in advance
Good evening all, is it possible to add to the metaeditor 5 zigzag indicator and how to do it I don't know where to get the basis (please)) Thanks in advance

Everything is already there. Or you don't need standard ZigZag.

Good evening all, is it possible to add a zigzag indicator into the metaeditor 5 and I don't know where to get it from (please advise)) Thanks in advance

It has always been there: [data folder]\MQL5\Indicators\Examples\ZigZag.mq5

Colleagues, please advise: bot stands on vps, opened/closed normally, then changed futures dax from June to September and for some reason on the terminal, opens/closes transactions, but turn off the computer on the virtual server does not work (((( a hundred times already migrated bot, canceled and re-started subscription to VPS, but to no avail. What do I do?
string ky(string a)
for (int l=1;l>10;l++)


return a;

Hello, how do I make the function to generate random numbers for Mq4?


Hello, how to make a function to generate random numbers for Mq4?

MathRand() or just rand()

although this code is confusing - what do you want to get there ?


Thank you, the idea for the cycle is interesting. Conclusion : 12312



12342 etc.))