and again dll and market - page 23

Alexsandr San:

I understand that it is possible to send (file.txt) and receive it in ( file.wav) format


here is the script WebRequest.mq5 toWebRequest.wav

Aleksandr, now you can specify the server's response with headers. There, in the doc on IBM's site, it is written how to do it

Nikolai Karetnikov:

Aleksandr, it is now possible to set the server's response with headers. There's a dock on IBM's site that tells you how to do it.

And how do you convert it from ogg to wav within the script and without dll? Otherwise, you won't be able to play it in EA (unless PlaySound plays ogg).

Looks like you need to reorient to google service.)))

Реter Konow:

How do you convert it from ogg to wav inside the script and without dll? Otherwise, you can't play it in EA (unless PlaySound plays ogg).

PlaySound doesn't play ogg - I checked the one I downloaded, it doesn't work and it won't play in Windows programs

Alexsandr San:

PlaySound doesn't play ogg - checked that booted up, doesn't work and in Windows software doesn't play

My point exactly. The IBM server epic turned out to be a dead end, but uncovered a flaw in the WebRequest feature, which was fixed, which is good. Now, let's connect to google and try again.))

Документация по MQL5: Сетевые функции / WebRequest
Документация по MQL5: Сетевые функции / WebRequest
Для использования функции WebRequest() следует добавить адреса серверов в список разрешенных URL во вкладке "Советники" окна "Настройки". Порт сервера выбирается автоматически на основе указанного протокола - 80 для "http://" и 443 для "https://". Функция WebRequest() является синхронной, это означает, что она приостанавливает выполнение...
google can wav and 4 million characters free (or 1 million with network processing) per month

exactly? )

Tarifs  |  Cloud Text-to-Speech  |  Google Cloud
Tarifs  |  Cloud Text-to-Speech  |  Google Cloud
L'utilisation de Text-to-Speech est facturée mensuellement en fonction du nombre de caractères envoyés au service pour synthèse audio. Notez que les tags de langage de balisage de synthèse vocale (SSML) sont inclus dans le nombre de caractères dans le cadre de la facturation. Par exemple, cette entrée comptabilise 79 caractères, tags SSML...
Nikolai Karetnikov:

exactly? )

Ha ha and there's a charge here too. Told you so...)))

Реter Konow:

My point exactly. The IBM server epic turned out to be a dead end, but it revealed a flaw in the WebRequest function, which was fixed, which is a good thing. Now, let's connect to google and try again.)))

my turn to share links to the doc ))))

Nikolai Karetnikov:

it's my turn to share links to the document ))))

Yes, you can set a returnable format.)) Although it's not much of a consolation amidst IBM's limitations of freebies. Besides, there's an amendment in the doc which spoils my joy:

Due to the streaming nature of the returned audio, the WAV audio that is generated might not work in all audio players. Specifically, the attribute numSamples in the header of the audio stream is set to 0 regardless of the length of the audio.

In short, I don't know if it will play. I'll have to give it a try.)))

Nikolai Karetnikov:

exactly? )

the link you provided has a table with rates and a free monthly quota. what's not to like?

Andrei Trukhanovich:

the link you provided has a table with rates and a free monthly quota. what is it that you don't like?

Indeed! the free tier is missing )