MT5 and speed in action - page 10

I thought about the retransmit data being taken from the winnings. Closed everything that has noticeable traffic - browser, proxy server, cloud synchronizers. Retransmits went down to 0.018% in the afternoon, 0.0024% in the evening. From the home computer.
Edgar Akhmadeev:
I am wondering if data on retransmits is taken from winnings. I closed everything that has noticeable traffic - browser, proxy server, cloud synchronizers. Retransmits went down to 0.018% in the afternoon, 0.0024% in the evening. From the home computer.

This is why I have started to ask you a question.

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MT5 and Speed in Action

fxsaber, 2020.06.11 23:11

What can i recommend? Do you do a tracert to the trade server? Some kind of monitoring programme? In general, how can I make sure the MT5 is ready for low latency?


What do you recommend? Do a tracert to a trade server? Some kind of monitoring programme? In general, how can I make sure that MT5 is ready for low latency?

There are identifiers

You could set up your own service and collect statistics.

There are identifiers.

You can make your own service and collect statistics.

It is of no use because the Terminal's share of retransmits is far from 100%.


It is of no use because the Terminal's retransmission rate is far from 100%.

Percentage of retransmitted network packets in TCP/IP protocol for all running applications and services on a given computer.

Strange, and indeed all applications and services are counted.
Why, I don't understand.


I don't really understand the unnecessary excitement. It's just a statistic of the overall windup traffic. As long as the channel is not loaded by tens of percent, retransmits specifically to the quote server shouldn't be high. If the channel is normal (optics>>eth>>PC) and there is no side background traffic, retransmits will be negligible. There are no unnecessary traffic consumers hanging on VPS, auto-updates should be turned off, and even search for updates. Unless you connect remotely (which has a lot of traffic), there will be a trace amount of retransmits. And reconnect now doesn't move off to Asian servers with 500ms ping.

But I guess I didn't really understand the task?


Percentage of retransmitted network packets in TCP/IP protocol for all running applications and services on a given computer.

Strange, and indeed all applications and services are counted.
Why, I don't understand.

It's not the terminal that's counting, it's the wind. Terminal takes system data.

To analyze traffic by applications, you need special software. It's quite heavy.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

It's not the terminal that counts, it's the wind system. The terminal takes system data.

To analyse traffic by application, you need special software. It's quite heavy.

Apparently, developers need to fix this behavior and take only their own data. After all, it's obvious why we need to take system data into account.

Can't the developers put in their own traffic counter? Why pull special software?
Edgar Akhmadeev:

You need special software to analyse traffic by application. It's quite heavy.

Yes, Wireshark can't analyze traffic by pid, but what's wrong with Network Monitor other than its current "deprecated" status?

UPD: a.... am I right in thinking that MT should also monitor the delivery of its own traffic?

Sergey Dzyublik:

Yes, Wireshark can't analyse traffic by pid, but what's wrong with Network Monitor apart from its current "deprecated" status?

UPD: a.... Am I correct in thinking that MT needs to monitor the delivery of its own traffic as well?

Misunderstood. Need to figure out if MT has a hitch or not. We were parsing the server logs when the pauses were modifying for dozens of seconds. Everything is perfect on the server.

So the problem is somewhere else.

I have seen that I very often hit past prices. I.e. serious lag in Terminal. There is a question how to identify it.

Here I have bought VPS. How do I know that it fits perfectly? I mean, there has to be some kind of a numerical indicator. As it turns out, retransmits can't be trusted. At midnight - tens of percent.

Maybe I can deploy a virtual machine on the same physical machine as the trading server. And I would be able to run the Terminal from there. Probably, there would be less of a hitch.

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