if(true) - page 8

Nikolai Semko:

if it was in a loop, but it's only done once.

boozing again?

Another question: when he's not drinking ... Rhetorical ...

Artyom Trishkin:

Another question: when he is not drunk... Rhetorical ...

When I was an officer in RICH (missile testing unit), we had a regimental drunkard. I was always amazed at his health. Drinking industrial alcohol to wipe contacts(!!!) and so on every day. I'd get my flippers in a twist.
Our unit was supposed to get 80 litres of alcohol a month. The unit got 30 litres. He was in charge of distributing that liquor. In all that time he gave me half a litre at my station once with the words:

- Lieutenant, don't wipe your contacts with it, or we had a smart guy who did his maintenance properly and then the PRA-MK station stopped working, with a missile launch looming.

I was pleasantly surprised recently when I talked to him on Skype that he's long since been in a stint.
So there is a chance, albeit a slim one...

Nikolai Semko:

When I was an officer in RICh (missile testing unit), we had a regimental drunkard. I was always amazed at his health. Drinking industrial alcohol to wipe contacts(!!!) and so on every day. I'd get my flippers in a twist.
Our unit was supposed to get 80 litres of alcohol a month. The unit got 30 litres. He was in charge of distributing that liquor. In all that time he gave me half a litre at my station once with the words:

- Lieutenant, don't wipe your contacts with it, or we had a smart guy who started doing maintenance properly and then the PRA-MK station stopped working, with a missile launch on the horizon.

I was pleasantly surprised recently when I talked to him on Skype that he's long since been in a stint.
So there is a chance, albeit a slim one...

Alexei, if memory serves me correctly, is also a rocket scientist. There's a connection here somewhere... :)

Artyom Trishkin:

Alexei, if memory serves me correctly, is also a rocket scientist. There's a connection here somewhere... :)

So he must know what Shilo is.

It is not clear who thought of giving such quantities of alcohol to missile engineers. There was a de-facto drunkenness of the army.
And Alexey is simply a victim of this sabotage by the state.


Since this is a branch of the "Humour and Interesting" thread...

When I was working at a factory (yes, yes!) as an electronic technician, I came to the foreman one day with a cotton swab in my hand and asked him, "Drop some alcohol on the pins". He turned around silently and poured 100 grams into a jar. He said, "Take it, I have nowhere to put it." And the factory in those days was pure medical alcohol, it wasn't the army. The man on the shop floor was horrified and said, "Are you going to use that good rubbing alcohol?!"

Sergey Chalyshev:

Strange design, what does it mean?

Maybe there is a hidden meaning that I don't know?

Some people prefer to debug this way, wrapping code in conditions, but this is true for small developments, it's easier to define a macro

i wonder if exceptions will be introduced in mql5...

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Would there be a reasonable objection ?

Break is an interruption of normal loop execution without checking. Which is always a potential cause of errors (especially when there are loops in a loop).

Yes, it's often noticeably easier with this operator. But, it does not invalidate my thought. You should certainly use it but still handle it carefully.

Concerning code execution speed, I suppose one could invent a situation when an eternal loop and break would be faster than variants with "normal" loop headers and without break break. But I'm afraid that the speed gain will not compensate for the readability and convenience of parsing the code. So my conclusion here is the same - use with caution as an undesirable but sometimes necessary variant.

Nikolai Semko:

Yes it is clear that there are more compact variants, but slower.
Your variant is 2-3 times slower than above and there is an error somewhere, because it gives wrong checksum.
I'm talking about the fastest variant without HashSet.

Yes, I remember, there was such a puzzle :-)

But fast ones are private solutions and not always good... for example variants with ArrayCopy cannot be converted to templates. And if you adapt to double, you must put IsValidNumber everywhere that obviously gives a speed penalty

Nikolai Semko:

When I was an officer in RICH (missile testing unit), we had a regimental drunkard. I was always amazed at his health. Drinking technical alcohol for wiping contacts(!!!) and so on every day. I'd get my flippers in a twist.
Our unit was supposed to get 80 litres of alcohol a month. The unit got 30 litres. He was in charge of distributing that liquor. In all that time he gave me half a litre at my station once with the words:

- Lieutenant, don't wipe the contacts with it, or we had a smart guy who started doing maintenance properly, after which the PRA-MK station stopped working, with a missile launch on the horizon.

I was pleasantly surprised recently when I talked to him on Skype that he's long since been in a stint.
So there is a chance, albeit a slim one...

Once upon a time I used to get two blue 80-liter cans of pure alcohol for wiping the contacts of my computers and peripherals. It was impossible to keep track of it!