Websocket how? - page 10


Something doesn't get the queue out

Алексей Барбашин:

Show a screenshot of the event handler for receiving messages from the socket.





Found the problem, it's working.

Алексей Барбашин:

What was the problem? I understand they are trying to repeat the experiment, I think it would be useful for others to know what they might stumble on.

I tried to put in a proposal and then when I put in ticks, I wrote without the "s", i.e. tick
Vladimir Suslov:

describe the structure outside the class and the example will work

I tried your example, it didn't work.

Either my VS settings are wrong or there is something wrong with it.

attach the VS project and an example call from MQL5 - this is the right thing to do.

ZS: if memory serves me correctly, it stopped working when MQL5 added namespace

Алексей Барбашин:
Fedor, are you still there? Shall we continue?
Yes, I'm here.
Алексей Барбашин:

I give thedevelopers a standing ovation! In the screenshot you can see that the structure is declared in Sharp, I have not declared it in mql, but I can easily use this data type and the program compiles without problems!

Just attach the project and let's dance!))

i can see the structures described in MQL5 at the global level, at least the signatures of public methods have been instantly printed by ME auto-substitution

but i can't describe the same structure in MQL or import it from C#.

give me a ready-made example, or you won't understand it without a half a litre))

Igor Makanu:

(project and let's dance)))

I'll pack it now. It didn't fit on the forum.


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Fedor Arkhipov:

I'm going to pack it now. I can't find it on the forum.


Thank you, but everything is the same as before

'TestConnection.mq5' TestConnection.mq5 1 1

'Open' - undeclared identifier TestConnection.mq5 54 5

'Open' - l-value required TestConnection.mq5 54 5

possible loss of data due to type conversion TestConnection.mq5 54 9

'Close' - undeclared identifier TestConnection.mq5 55 5

'Close' - l-value required TestConnection.mq5 55 5

possible loss of data due to type conversion TestConnection.mq5 55 10

'ddd' - parameter conversion not allowed TestConnection.mq5 58 32

'ddd' - variable of the same type expected TestConnection.mq5 58 32

'ddd' - parameter conversion not allowed TestConnection.mq5 58 32

7 errors, 2 warnings 8 3

I put the .dll library in the MQL folder, I can see signatures of ConnectorMQL methods from ME

make a clean project with this work - structure + method in C# and call from MQL5 this - a lot of unnecessary things in the project, but it still does not work - it is not clear where the cause - the project properties output - the library has changed