Websocket how? - page 16

Алексей Барбашин:

You can see directly what kind of requests they send on the schedule page.

How? Here is their browser application



There's also this address



User registration and API key creation can be achieved via www.testnet.huobi.pro, and the email or SMS verification code required in the process is 123456.

But here they indicate that a key is required, but it's not clear where to put it

But it doesn't open the socket either.
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Алексей Барбашин:

According to the same author, this library requires certain certificates to be installed on the computer, which means that his library still uses a system dll, albeit a system one.


Алексей Барбашин:

I tried it too.

Alexei, how do you display the error message in the console?

You need an expert in web development to understand how to connect to this service. It is not so simple.

You just need to think a bit and come to a conclusion:

Be realistic, can you handle a client/server protocol? Get a ready-made libu for the exchange, otherwise you will drown.

Why bicycle 26 pages, when everything is already ready and posted links.
Алексей Барбашин:

Victor, did you provide specific advice to the author of the topic?

Yes, I told him to use a ready-made huobie libu, but you have led him down the wrong path, to his regret.


Yes, I told him to use a pre-built Huobi lib, but you have led him down the wrong path, much to his regret.

I disagree.

It costs a lot of money to build a universal wss lib.

Алексей Барбашин:

Yes, your help is really worth it!

Yer yer all welcome without noticing TheXpert's similar comments, he even threw in a link to the sharps lib. By the way, you wanted to compare your high-level efforts with the ancient, horrible, portly crosses, please:

RequestClient* request = createRequestClient();
BestQuote bestQuote = request->getBestQuote("btcusdt");
std::cout<< bestQuote.askPrice << std::endl;
std::cout<< bestQuote.askAmount << std::endl;

Yes, horrible horrible.


On this site we can test the connection https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwebsocket.org%2Fecho.html

i.e. we write in the form the address wss://api.huobi.pro/ws

and the connection is made.

It means that we should also have a connection. Maybe that dude uses openSSL for a reason?


Yes, I told him to use a ready-made huobi libu, but you have led him down the wrong path, to his regret.

I don't agree either, if there is more than one hobby, then it should be the wss.