Websocket how? - page 9

Алексей Барбашин:

Victor, no problem. Everyone has their own religion. But you try to implement the example we are creating now in C++ as an example. How much easier would it be to create it in C++? The implementation of websocket in C++ itself is a real pain in the ass.

Sharp's problem is seamless reverse engineering into the source code if the code is not obfuscated.
I agree everyone has their own religion and it all depends on the task, I even wrote a websocket in C.
Thanks for the tutorial though, at least I can look at it in Sharp, for general development.

it worked!

And to get, say, a whole candle with time, volume and all prices?

ok. In this query only Ask, Bid we can get
Алексей Барбашин:

This broker won't give anything else back. But we don't need that. After all, you plan to get quotes from another source later on.

We are now working on the technology itself.

Yes, well
Алексей Барбашин:

Fedor, any questions?

And in this case, won't the ticks accumulate in the queue if they come more often than we do the survey? For example the timer is 1 second, not 50 ms


I think it's better to poll the dll more often and not to queue up. there's no point in having irrelevant quotes.

I think polling every 1-2 msec and getting the latest quotes is the best solution.

Алексей Барбашин:

I have not yet been able to assess that this is really a problem. After all, reverse engineering is pretty easy to do for java as well, but it has been and still is used to write almost 95% of android apps. So yes, it is a matter of religion ))))

Can't say anything about java, didn't know it's easy to reverse engineer too.
Yes, it all depends on the purpose of the application and our desire, not the distribution of our designs.
If the application is for personal use, it's not a problem for Sharp, Java, etc.
If the application is used in production, or within some financial organization, then the security of the code is a priority for me personally.
I agree that other languages can be disassembled, but it requires a highly specialized developer, which increases the costs, which discourages people from looking for it.
It also depends on the application itself, which task it performs. For this reason, few people are interested in reversing mobile apps.
By no means am I arguing with you or anything, no, it's just a response to "I haven't yet managed to assess that this is really a problem".
I think this is not the topic of this thread, so let's not go on ))
That's quite a sharpe manual you've got there.

Алексей Барбашин:

Yes, it's strange. We'll ask Renat why later...

Tomorrow we'll move on to the sockets ))

describe the structure outside the class and the example will work

namespace Test_StructMQL {

        public struct StructTicks {
                public double Open;
                public double Close;

        public class ConnectorMQL {

                public static string Ticks(StructTicks ddd) {
                        return ddd.Open.ToString() + " " + ddd.Close.ToString();