Trend vs Flat - page 41

Uladzimir Izerski:

For me, it depends on the right direction. Price always has a direction.

Yeah, but it is a pity that no one in the history of financial markets has been able to prove it, let alone calculate it with more than 50% probability.

But it is purely up to you to believe it.
Uladzimir Izerski:

The tester showed what was happening to the price in the past. But the tester will not tell us what caused the price to change. Everyone thinks it was the result of historical prices, when in fact it was the result of f.character, news background, rumours, events, emergencies, emergencies.

Yes, the position is understandable...

And this position would be justified if the testing period was a month..., well two months...

When we talk about testing over a period of 3 years, or 6 years, or 10 years..., the randomness factor of such test results is already very difficult to write off to historical adjustment...

In addition, the results of the tests can always be checked by running this strategy after one or two years ( a so-called forward test ) ...

Overall, the excuses are very unconvincing for such a public personality...


First of all, the past does not exist in the financial markets

It is hard to believe. Could it really be? It is interesting.

Second, market statistics are always repeating themselves.

Sorry, I did not know that. I thought that the purpose of statistics is to know the changes.

Thirdly, if a robot uses pure statistically significant properties of a probabilistic web of events, which is what quotes are, the tester is only needed for safety correction but not for optimization based on history.

Let's skip.

In the fourth, the supply side does not play a role for us at all, because it is impossible to calculate from publicly available data - in the kitchens they regulate themselves, in normal brokers it is regulated by the liquidity provider.

You have taken a wrong turn here).

For me it does, but maybe not for you. I read it forus.

How do the kitchens regulate? I would like to know more about this point.

No one will ever show you the big market players unless it is a profitable decision.

Those who are interested in the markets know the big players for a long time. There are no secrets here. And their deals are known to many.

Serqey Nikitin:

Yes, the position is understandable...

And this position would be justified if the testing period was a month..., well two months...

When we are talking about testing over a period of 3 years, or 6 years, or 10 years..., then the randomness factor of the results of such tests is very difficult to write off to historical fitting...

In addition, the test results can always be checked by running this strategy after one or two years (the so-called forward test)...

All in all, the excuses are very unconvincing for such a public figure...

You are not the first year on the market. How come? You have a tester controlling the price??? Amazing.)))

FA rules the market, TA only fills the unplowed areas. Sweeping up for FA.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Genghis says it all right. It is worth listening to. You are both technicians in the market, trying to make sense of what is happening with technique and code.

Only you should not feel the market with this, but with what you can risk in this or that situation. And from the position that you are in (how much money you have and what you know and can do). Realistically. Without the crown.


Genghis says it all right. It is worth listening to. You are both technicians in the market, trying to make sense of what is happening with technique and code.

Only you should not feel the market with this, but with what you can risk in this or that situation. And from the position that you are in (how much money you have and what you know and can do). Realistically. Without the crown.

If you think alike, doesn't say you're both right.

Correct the crown. Not the face).

Uladzimir Izerski:

Just because you think alike doesn't mean you're both right.

Fix your crown. Not the face.)

How's the monitoring going Volodya?
True, it is a pity that no one in the history of financial markets has been able to prove it, much less calculate it with more than 50% probability.

But it is purely up to you to believe it.

It all depends on the time period in question. All the big players plan their budgets with the exchange rate in mind. In most cases, the forecast is kept within the forecast. But extraordinary events can make adjustments. Not always significant ones. There are many hedging instruments which keep the exchange rate within the forecast.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It all depends on the time period in question. All major players plan their budgets with the exchange rate in mind. In most cases, the forecast is kept within the forecast. But extraordinary events can make adjustments. Not always significant ones. There are many hedging instruments that keep the exchange rate within the forecast.

"Most of the time" - is it written somewhere? Have you seen the numbers? Have you calculated it yourself?

Anyway, your delusions don't make me feel any worse...

so go ahead... You're the artist, the brush is in your hand. Go ahead.


"Most of the time" - is it written somewhere? Have you seen the figures? Have you calculated it yourself?

In any case, your delusions don't make me feel any worse...

so go ahead... you're an artist, you can use the brush. Go ahead.

Economy and politics steer the course. Are they going to let the distortions go to their own detriment?

Okay, no hard feelings. Everyone has an opinion. The main thing is not to lose yours.