Trend vs Flat - page 38


It is possible to prove both.

For example. Let's frame the price change as 1 candle and try to find a trend or a flat there...

This is not an argument, just a call for rethinking.

Or let's form the result of the heads and tails test, for example, as an ascending one. As a result we will see similar structures, trends, flats... shapes, etc...

there's a fine line...

there are those who have figured out in practice that the market is random and there are those who think the market is random.

so the first ones get the final result, while the latter will think they do.


There is a fine line here...

There are those who have worked out in practice that the market is random, and there are those who think the market is random.

So the former achieve the end result and the latter will still think they do.

I apologize for intruding on such an intellectual discussion, but!

Those who think the market is random will get their result much faster (if they can :)) ), than those who do the math in practice. Need an explanation? )))))

And who will think about what - diametrically opposite ))))

Сергей Таболин:

I apologise for intruding on such an intellectual conversation, but!

Those who think the market is random will get results much faster (if they can :))) ), than those who calculate in practice. Need an explanation? )))))

And who will think about what - diametrically opposite ))))

the most detailed ones please)


the most detailed please)

Those who calculate in practice initially think it is not random. They spend time trying to be convinced of the opposite, of what others are already convinced of.

Why waste time and nerve putting in practical experiments to make sure water is wet? )))))))))))


You're right, I was wrong in a hurry, I apologize... Of course I meant SELL_STOP in this case, and that's what I've shown in the screenshot. I wouldn't have got that picture otherwise.

In fact, I just wanted to show that there are methods of cutting off undesirable events without using indicators or other forecasting methods. In this case we do not make any predictions at all, we do not look back, we just look into the present (here and now). (SELL_STOP). We do not take part in this mess. If the price goes down, we take part in it.

Wrong again :( It's not SELL_STOP, it's TrailingStop. It is not applicable to open positions, from the word "no".

Read something and we all will be glad to see you here.

Сергей Таболин:

Those who calculate in practice initially think it is not random. They spend time trying to be convinced of the opposite, of what others are already convinced of.

Why waste time and nerve putting in practical experiments to see if water is wet? )))))))))))

Then to take the next step forward, not sideways)

Gentlemen, why do you want to designate the market as random? Don't you understand that the market is run by very trained people, simply because EVERYTHING depends on this very market. Make it random and the world economy collapses at that point. Don't believe me, simulate a return to the gold standard - the consequences will be gone in a few years.
Алексей Тарабанов:

Wrong again :( It's not SELL_STOP, it's TrailingStop. Not applicable to open positions, not at all.

Read something, and we all will be glad to see you here.

What does Trailing have to do with it? I was talking about SELL_STOP which is modifiable... And I gave an example with it.


I was talking about SELL_STOP, which is modifiable... And I gave an example with it.

There is no such thing as a modifiable SellStop. Once you open it, the order is gone and its parameters do not change . This is not your case.

Learn the basics.

Алексей Тарабанов:

There are no modifiable Sellstops. You open - that's it, the order is gone,

You're celebrating easter early.