Trend vs Flat - page 33

"Spin the drum" ...

as an option to know the future direction (yellow line)

The regular MACD is just as good

as an option to know the future direction (yellow line)

The main thing is to make it look good.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
All that matters is that it's beautiful.

it's magic)


as an option to know the future direction (yellow line)

The idea in itself is a fascinating one ( to become a soothsayer and read the future like a newspaper...).

In practice, the result is likely to be disastrous...

I hope you will share the accumulated statistics on this particular option ?...

I write at the level of understanding... the terms may be wrong... the essence is clear there... I don't want to explain it on the fingers... I'm not sure I need to do that... I don't feel like it)) Let me get over the shock myself. There are two gentlemen here who will understand.

You write in such a way that you don't understand what you're writing about. There is emotion, there is no understanding.

Serqey Nikitin:

The idea in itself is a fascinating one (to become a soothsayer and read the future like a newspaper...).

In practice, the result is likely to be disastrous...

I hope you will share the accumulated statistics for this particular variant ?

because in the market there is a 50/50 chance that the result is often nothing...

but not a bad result.

There is a pattern to disastrous results.

The result may be of two types. Either the disappointing result is due to spreads and commissions, or the trader's lack of experience.


as in the market there is a 50/50 chance that the result is often nothing.

but not a bad one.

There is a pattern to disappointing results.

There are two types - either a poor result from spreads and commissions, or a lack of experience as a trader.

You're wrong! Breakeven strategies, in spite of all the efforts of foreign gurus, have long become a reality... And there are VERY many such strategies, of all sorts... As the market is very versatile, and depends on many different factors, so there are many solutions to this problem...

as in the market there is a 50/50 chance that the result is often nothing.

but not a bad one.

There is a pattern to disappointing results.

It can be of two types - either a poor result from spreads and commissions, or a poor trader's experience.

There is not only the proverbial "50/50 chance" in the market, but also the constant presence of already created and regularly emerging new trends! We should not forget that it is trends of different kinds that are the main source of income for "small" traders.

Both trend and flat have the same problem: once all the conditions defining a trend or a flat are met, in most cases the trend and the flat break down. Therefore, you cannot trade a trend and a flat in the same strategy. If you choose one or the other, then under certain conditions (additional filters) the probability that there will be more profitable entries than unprofitable ones increases.