Explain the mechanism. If I opened on one market maker, how can I now close on another market maker? - page 12


the leaders all have 70-80% drawdowns )

and smart money doesn't go into pams)

Right :) .
Brokers say that now they have a market maker, who places their bids at different levels in this market maker.

And at any given time the broker chooses the best bid and the best ask for their clients.

Market makers also provide leverage to brokers, usually 100.

Imagine the situation: I opened a trade on one market maker. A buy trade at ask price, with a leverage of 100.

We essentially made a bet with this market maker on the price change of the currency pair. We stand in the trade with him. When the currency pair rises, I am in profit, when it falls, he is in profit.

Now the time has come when I want to close the trade. OK I would close on this market maker, it would be easy there.

But the broker says that at the time of closing he also picks me the best market maker, with the best price.

Explain to me how the closing process works if I open at one market maker and want to close at a completely different one.

Ideally, closing a trade is the same as opening an opposite order. i.e. if you have a buy 1 lot, then you have to do a sell to close it. and which vendor or market maker to do the sell, it makes no difference at all.