Support/resistance levels. How do I identify them? - page 3

Serqey Nikitin:

Yeah, I don't understand that crap... I don't get it! If this faith helped you make a profit, more than half of all traders would be millionaires...

But you obviously think most traders are a Dumb mass who can't figure out "the pricing"...?

For faith, it's in the temple, and here the market and calculation.

Serqey Nikitin:

I don't understand this heresy!...

For example: on the chart of the popular EUR/Dollar pair, there are several time sections where the price moves ONLY in one direction for two years at a time...

Let's say there are sellers..., but where do you get so many stupid buyers to keep the price going in the wrong direction for so long...?

There are also manufacturers who want to change the currency they have earned from selling their products abroad. They can't wait for the trend to turn in a direction that benefits them. They apply to the bank for an exchange at the current rate, irrespective of the situation on the market.


For faith, it's in the temple, but here it's the market and calculation.

And here they believe too, in trends))


There are still manufacturers who want to exchange the currency they have earned from the sale of their products abroad. They can't wait for the trend to turn in a direction that is beneficial to them. They apply to the bank for exchange at the current rate, regardless of the situation in the market.

That's what I mean... Buyers and Sellers are as thick as mud... and the price goes strictly in one direction for TWO YEARS...

So what does supply and demand have to do with it?

They've read too much Western junk and their brains don't work anymore!


There are still manufacturers who want to exchange the currency they have earned from selling their products abroad. They can't wait for the trend to turn in a direction that is beneficial to them. They apply to the bank for an exchange at the current rate, irrespective of the situation on the market.

Producers usually use futures contracts with delivery later, at the agreed price now, and hedge risk with options.

Serqey Nikitin:

I don't understand this heresy!...

For example: on the chart of the popular EUR/Dollar pair, there are several time sections where the price moves ONLY in one direction for two years at a time...

Let's say there are sellers..., but where do you get so many stupid buyers to keep the price going in the same direction for so long...?

"dumb buyers" lie in corrections...

Serqey Nikitin:

That's what I mean... Buyers and Sellers alike... and the price for TWO YEARS is going strictly in one direction...
What does supply and demand have to do with it?
They've read too much Western junk and their brains don't work anymore!

So answer your own question, what does supply and demand have to do with it...


So answer your own question, what does supply and demand have to do with it...

I'm not into dumb theories, and I'm not even going to consider them...

My developments are much more modest:

GRAAL is VERY simple...- 2

ГРААЛЬ - это ОЧЕНЬ просто...- 2
ГРААЛЬ - это ОЧЕНЬ просто...- 2
Продолжение блога - ГРААЛЬ - это ОЧЕНЬ просто...Да, на первый взгляд все очень просто...   Но давайте рассмотрим схематичный вариант ГРААЛЯ...Во-первых, тренды определяются на БОЛЬШИХ
Serqey Nikitin:

I'm not into dumb theories, and I'm not even going to consider them...

My developments are much more modest:

GRAAL is VERY simple...- 2

It's all clear to you ))
Good luck.

Alexander Bereznyak:

'dumb buyers' lie in corrections...

credit xD)))))))))