Creating a graphic library from scratch - page 6


For HFT, I think 3D would be useful in creating a graphical analysis of the cup volume and order flow.
But how to interpret such information, I have not delved into.

Objectively speaking, 3D is much more complex than 2D. There is such a functional that you don't understand it at once. But, if you try, you can understand it in 12 hours, and then all the doors will open, and you can visualize anything you like. There is an abundance of possibilities. ))))

Реter Konow:

Objectively speaking, 3D is a lot more complicated than 2D. There's so much functionality there, it's hard to get it right away... But, if you try, it will take you 12 hours to get into it, and then all the doors will open and you will be able to visualise anything and any way you like. There is an ounce of possibilities. ))))

It is clear that there is a sea of possibilities.
I have not yet set any such tasks to work with 3D. Not because it's hard to understand, but simply because I don't need it yet.
But someone may need it, so I just gave an example, where 3D can be used

Alexandr Andreev:

I understand that, the question is about changing the style on hovering while keeping the coordinates... although it seems to be clear already

Is there a standard bilio on the control ?

And what does the number 20 in brackets on the right mean?

I'm embarrassed to ask who brainfax is...

It's understandable that there are a lot of possibilities if you get into it.
I haven't yet set any such tasks in 3D. Not because it's hard to figure out, but because I just don't need it yet.
But someone may need it, so I just gave an example of where 3D can be used

When I have time, I will add 3D visualization to my tumbler and upload it to QB.

it would be enough for me,

if MT had an official/legal functionality (function/group) - create a container in a window, get its window handle.

just then with DLLs there you can draw and interactively-communicate with any libraries at all and not reinvent the wheel.


For now, all sorts of forms/dialogs/dashboards I do in my own, separate windows, which is not always convenient.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

it would be enough for me,

if MT had an official/legal functionality (function/group) - create a container in a window, get its window handle.

just then with DLLs there you can draw and interactively-communicate with any libraries at all and not reinvent the wheel.


Meanwhile, all sorts of forms/dialogs/dashboards I do in my own, separate windows, which is not always convenient.

If I understood you correctly, I'm in favour of this idea too.
In the meta-editor projects, there is still unimplemented program Module.
But it is not known what was planned under this module.
I would really like to create my own modules like Market Overview, Navigator, Tools, etc..
And run them through Services. In this way the modular functionality of the terminal would be extended by self-written plug-ins.


If I understand you correctly, I am also in favour of this idea.
In the meta-editor's projects, there is a module that has not yet been implemented.
But it is not known what was planned under this module.
I would really like to create my own modules like Market Overview, Navigator, Tools, etc..
And run them through Services. Thus we will drastically expand the modular functionality of the terminal with self-written plugins.

such a thing is in demand too ! "create a window" to give a handle.

With DLL you can now open/create a separate Windows window from anywhere, from services, Expert Advisors.

But it becomes sort of "separate" from MT - it will not be listed in the windows of MT and it is not aware of it. It cannot add it to the menu or place it anywhere in its interface.

These "wants" are functionally similar and are implemented by almost the same code, one complements the other:

The first was to create a container (a nested window, a widget) inside the chart window,

The second was to create a "custom" MT window

Creation+management of windows should be in the head of application itself. That's why I want minimum of API "create a window in the chart or main interface".

Maxim Kuznetsov:

"quietly by myself, I'm having a conversation"....

If you have time, you should try to create a child window for ChartGetInteger(0,WINDOW_HANDLE) directly through WinAPI CreateWindowEx. If it is created correctly, displayed and does not interfere with the chart, then the first question will be removed.

I'm used to high-level libraries and languages :-) I'll have to do some digging, too.


An example of how the engine works:

See the link for a brief description:
Создание графической библиотеки с нуля
Создание графической библиотеки с нуля
  • 2020.08.27
Общее обсуждение: Создание графической библиотеки с нуля