Server version in Opener - page 11

Vitalii Ananev:
And does opener allow you to open a demo single account, and what is the expiry date of demo accounts? A lot of people seem to have a demo account for a period of no more than a month or two at the most.

No, the demo is different markets in the Open.

I've had the demo for over 2 years now on the same account.


No, the demo is different markets in the Open.

I've had the demo for over 2 years now on the same account.

I see, thank you.


It seems that there is more than one problem with the server and its software.

I have written a letter to the head of technical support.

Хочу что бы Вы ПРАВИЛЬНО поняли меня.
Если 5 лет назад задержки составляли десятки миллисекунд, что сказывалось
на финансовых результатах в торговле убытками в 0,5-1,0%, то сейчас
МИНУТНЫЕ задержки сами понимаете к какому финансовому результату приводят.
Мало того, Вы будете терять клиентов, за чей счёт Вы живете.
Но я, например, собираюсь подать на Вас в суд, за НАМЕРЕННОЕ бездействие по устранению проблем,
которое в прямую влияет на результат моей торговли (благо все письма, которые я Вам посылал, сохранились)

It seems that there is more than one problem with the server and its software.

I have written a letter to the head of technical support.

Will you switch to another broker?


Will you move to another broker?

Slowly. I have a lot of open positions (long term).

It won't work fast. I have a good feeling that this kind of broker will work well (without delays).

One more thing. I've been in the Open since 2013...

For our part, we are also working on analysing, preventing and correcting bottlenecks.

The new release for platform administrators will have a large Best Practice section of automatic tips to correct configuration deficiencies.

Around 50 rules are already in operation and more are being added.

This will help fix human error.

In addition, we have launched a certification process for broker employees to increase their knowledge and qualifications.

MetaQuotes запустила программу сертификации по MetaTrader 5 для брокеров
MetaQuotes запустила программу сертификации по MetaTrader 5 для брокеров
  • 2020.01.20
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Сертификационные тесты от MetaQuotes помогут брокерским компаниям проверить знания сотрудников и поднять их компетенцию. Будучи разработчиком торговых платформ MetaTrader, MetaQuotes обладает уникальным опытом в их настройке и эксплуатации. Это позволило создать тесты, которые требуют обширных и глубоких знаний работы с продуктами. В то же...
Renat Fatkhullin:
For our part, we are also working on analysing, preventing and correcting bottlenecks.

The new release for platform administrators will have a large Best Practice section of automatic tips for fixing configuration flaws.

Around 50 rules are already in operation and more are being added.

This will help fix human error.

In addition, we have launched a certification process for broker staff to increase their knowledge and qualifications.

Special kudos, for this kind of certification for employees.
But as I understand it, this is a voluntary certification?
Is it on a pro bono basis? Or is there some kind of interest from MQ?


Special praise, for this kind of certification for employees.
But as I understand it, it's a voluntary certification?
Is it on a pro bono basis? Or is there some sort of interest from MQ?

Paid, of course.

Have people completely lost touch with reality?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Commission for the services of the site

Renat Fatkhullin, 2020.04.08 14:30

They say in the fairy-tale world where the milk is from the fridge.

But in the real world, everything has a cost.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Paid, of course.

Have people completely lost touch with reality?

I agree with the cost of production, the bias was a little different in the question.
My point is that if certification is voluntary and on a fee basis, many brokers will simply ignore this certification, hoping that we will somehow figure it out for ourselves.
As a result, the qualifications of the broker's staff will remain at the same level.
Here you need to entice the broker with an attractive offer, for example a discount on a group certification for two people or buy an additional product, get a certificate as a gift.
Generally speaking, the usual promotion marketing. Raising the specification of employees is a good idea, and from the end user's point of view, even necessary.


You need to entice the broker with an attractive offer, e.g. discounts on group certification for two people, or buy an additional product, get a certificate as a gift.
Generally speaking, the usual promotion marketing. Raising the specification of employees is a good idea and from the end user's point of view, even a necessary one.

Include the certification of several employees in the cost of the licence.