Looking for patterns - page 193


Knowing the formula for building a zig-zag and fractal, we understand that these indicators are not the best in the trend prediction, and with them we learn about changes in the trend after it happens.

Knowing (understanding) the formula for the fractal, it is clear what it was originally designed for and what role it plays in the Alligator strategy.

In the Alligator, we cannot arbitrarily change the types and periods of lines, otherwise the role of "fractal" gets lost - and all the original strict mathematics will turn into a pumpkin. And they cannot be applied to an arbitrary timeframe either. But it is made for days and weeks - and that's it.

The fractal there detects max-frequencies, deviations and local volatility bursts at once, and partially fulfills the role of the 4th line, which otherwise (due to noise/inaccuracy) cannot be built on five bars.

Our fellow Williams is very "modest" about "his strategies are the fruit of his own observations, imagination and trading practice" - he's just a divorcee.

There the lion's share of rigorous optimized mathematics; perhaps for some reason, B.W. lost touch with the source and had to earn his living retelling how he understood and to keep it entertaining :-)


Parsing and analysing classical strategies is curious. So much so, that at times it reminds of Sherlock Holmes investigations

Uladzimir Izerski:

I tolerate and even smile at this statement of yours)))

Likewise... I also smile at your childish efforts to determine the trend... especially its wave part with predicting the FUTURE events in the market.
Serqey Nikitin:
Likewise... I also smile at your childish efforts to determine the trend... especially its wave part with predicting FUTURE market events.

I am certainly far from your experience, but my 97 year old mother-in-law tells me that all important events are played out in the first minutes on shallow TFs, and then the crowd follows to clear their wallets.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Knowing (understanding) the formula of the fractal, it is clear what it was originally made for and what role it plays in the Alligator strategy.

In the Alligator, we cannot arbitrarily change the types and periods of lines, otherwise the role of "fractal" will be lost - and all the original strict mathematics will turn into a pumpkin. And they cannot be applied to an arbitrary timeframe either. But it is made for days and weeks - and that's it.

The fractal there detects max-frequencies, deviations and local volatility bursts at once, and partially fulfills the role of the 4th line, which otherwise (due to noise/inaccuracy) cannot be built on five bars.

Our fellow Williams is very "modest" about "his strategies are the fruit of his own observations, imagination and trading practice" - he's just a divorcee.

There the lion's share of rigorous optimized mathematics; perhaps for some reason, B.W. lost touch with the source and had to earn his living retelling how he understood and to keep it entertaining :-)


Parsing and analysing classical strategies is curious. So much so that at times it reminds me of Sherlock Holmes investigations

Understanding the classics is not always easy, but always, it's an interesting thing to do)

Uladzimir Izerski:

I am certainly far from your experience, but my 97 year old mother-in-law tells me that all important events are played out in the first minutes on shallow TFs, and then the crowd follows to clear their wallets.

I am happy for you - you have a highly skilled team!
Serqey Nikitin:
I am happy for you - you have a highly skilled team!

You bet!!!

She also said that strong news is great on the daily and weekly TFs too, but only after the bar closes.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Our comrade Williams was very "modest" about "his strategies are the product of his own observations, imagination and trading practice" - he is just a divorcee.

There's the lion's share of rigorous optimized mathematics; perhaps for reasons B.W. lost touch with the source and had to make money retelling how he understood and to keep it entertaining :-)


Parsing and analysing classical strategies is curious. So much so that at times it reminds me of Sherlock Holmes investigations.

Back to the fact that theory and practice are different things, albeit interrelated

Uladzimir Izerski:

You bet!!!

She also said that strong news is great on the daily and weekly TFs too, but only after the bar closes.

And my grandmother smokes a pipe when the news).

Maxim Kuznetsov:

here/there is a gathering of good developers, and not the latest algorithmicists

Zig-Zag (and the whole zig-zag family) as an indicator is made for real time operation, with all its respective advantages and disadvantages.
It shows something there as quickly as it can, and it is a "greedy" algorithm that considers the first fit to be correct.

To work with history, what the Zig-Zags have shown requires adjustments.

The "trend" as a market reality is indicated in the vicinity of the ZZ, and never coincides with it. Because the trend (more or less) can be seen post factum,
and zigzags are not only wrong due to "real time" but also include volatility.

If we denote trend/trend change as a broken line based on ZZ, we should draw it more "compressed" and a bit to the left/early of a zigzag.

It is impossible to detect a trend change in time solely on the basis of ZZ.

This concerns only the algorithms (i.e., the temperature charts are also relevant),
and to trade it we should also add physics, i.e. what we know about the financial markets

You need to take two zigzags and see how the larger one is built from the smaller one and look for significant deviations of this process from what it would be with SB.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

You have to take two zigzags and see how the bigger one builds up from the smaller one and look for significant deviations in this process from what it would have been under SB.

How's that? SB is flat white and random. Any rules make a difference, but it's not enough to determine the beginning and end of series stability.

I'm looking at regularity on different TFs. It is difficult. Generally, pivot points first appear on lower TF and are confirmed on higher ones. And simple ones do not work as I would like them to do))))