How do I disable the display of the balance in the header? - page 3

Alexey Viktorov:

Vitaly, it's a picture.

That's odd. I can't see the picture. I click on file 00.png - I get this:

I click on the link to the image - a new window opens with this address and a message:

Who knows what this means?

Artyom Trishkin:

That's weird. I can't see a picture. I click on file 00.png - I get this:

I click on the link to the image - a new window opens with this address and a message:

Who knows what this means?

The problem is described in a neighbouring thread.
Looks like everyone has a problem.
Vladislav Andruschenko:
The problem is described in the next thread.
Everyone seems to have a problem.

Can I get a link? This one?

I can see everything from my mobile - I switched on the mobile app and everything is shown. But from home, no images.

Что с сайтом?
Что с сайтом?
  • 2020.02.11
Слетает таблица стилей и не отображаются картинки в Хроме. Нормально работает только через Оперу с VPN...
Artyom Trishkin:

Can I have a link? Is it this one?

I can see everything on my mobile - I put it on my mobile and everything shows up. But from home, no images.

If I go in from my mobile internet, it's fine.

Vitalii Ananev:
It wasn't there before, has appeared recently. Doesn't seem to bother me, let it be.

you should also add "balance for yesterday", "for the month", "for the year"... you could also add "projected balance for tomorrow" :)

Taras Slobodyanik:

you should also add "balance for yesterday", "for the month", "for the year"... you could also add "projected balance for tomorrow" :)

It would be useful to display how many are blocked for checking. Really useful would be....
Vitalii Ananev:
Didn't have it before, it's come up recently. Doesn't seem to interfere, let it be.

Very much in the way. Due to the fact that the right infoblock is enlarged, menu with standard font (scale 100% in Windows and in browser) - does not fit fully into 1440 and shows "overflow" symbol (...) to the right to access the forum. Very inconvenient.

Alexander Ivanov:

Block the element with Adblock.

And everything will be back in place.

Blocked it. The element is gone, but the menu hasn't expanded into the vacated space - you still have to press the three dots to see the Forum menu item. Grrr ;-/

PS. Good, I have my own blocker and addedwindow.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); and the problem of menu stretching was solved ;-)

I also think this element is unnecessary. There's no reason to keep it in plain sight
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