Crowdsourced GUI. Open beta testing. - page 43

Алексей Барбашин:

Naturally! Without it...

It's no use. It only works on MT5. Shit...)

You should have asked...

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:

Debris is left behind after the EA has been deleted in case you close the window:

It shouldn't. It clears everything for me. It's probably from the kib-source indicator. It's still on the chart. Try removing it.

Wait! This must be from the test EA? That makes sense.

Реter Konow:

It's no use. It only works on MT5. Shit...)

You should have asked...

Peter, do you know the way to open ex5 on MT4 terminal? Well then you are clearly a genius...

Алексей Барбашин:

Peter, do you know how to open ex5 on an MT4 terminal? Well then you are clearly a genius...

Either you're messing around that it doesn't work for you, or you're trying to open it in MT4. If the latter, close MT4 and start MT5. Alexey, let's be serious. Otherwise, we'll lose a lot of nerves and time.

Реter Konow:

It shouldn't be. It clears everything for me. It's probably from the kib-source indicator. It's still on the chart. Try removing it.

Wait! This must be from the test EA? That makes sense.

I'll fix it.

Реter Konow:

Either you're messing around with what's not working for you, or you're trying to open in MT4. If the latter, close MT4 and start MT5. Alexey, let's be serious. Otherwise, lose a lot of nerves and time.

Tag Konow:

Either you're messing around with what's not working for you, or you're trying to open in MT4. If the latter, close MT4 and start MT5. Alexey, let's be serious. Otherwise we will lose a lot of nerves and time.

I have it figured out. I have in my experts folder was the source KIB, which you've posted earlier and the terminal when opening it compiled and overwrote the new ex5. That's why nothing was running.

When you said that KIB comes compiled, then I just poled what the problem is.

It's running now.

The interesting effect is that once the initial form (indicator) is placed on the chart, its size cannot be changed until you add something to it.

The second effect: I stretch the form and add buttons near its right edge, for example. Then, we take the form by its right edge and decrease it - we see the effect of buttons appearing on the left )))

Алексей Барбашин:

Figured it out. I had the KIB source in my experts folder, which you posted earlier, and the terminal compiled it and overwrote the new ex5 when I opened it. That's why nothing was running.

When you said that KIB comes compiled, then I just poled what the problem is.

It's running now.

The interesting effect is that once the initial form (indicator) is placed on the chart, its size cannot be changed until you add something to it.

The second effect: I stretch the form and add buttons near its right edge, for example. Then we take it by its right edge and decrease the form - we see the effect of buttons appearing on the left ))))

Great!)) Good for you.

There is such a thing. Bug - not a bug - don't know...


I am not compiling the final EA

And it's not clear to me why you have to drag the inludes into a different folder?

Who prevents you from specifying the path to them directly in the source code?

#include <GUI_DRIVE.mqh>
#include "..\Files\CORES.mqh"
#include "..\Files\Internal_API.mqh" 
Before saving CORES.mqh and Internal_API.mqh files, you should either clear them before writing new text or delete them. Otherwise you get rubbish if these files are not deleted before saving the project.
Алексей Барбашин:

1. I'm not compiling the final EA

2) And I don't understand why you have to drag the inludes to another folder?

Who prevents you from specifying the path to them directly in the source code?

1. There could be many reasons. What does it say?

2. The project is saved in Files folder. If it could be saved directly to the Include folder, I would do so. But, there is a file sandbox rule.

In any case, the user can have different project folders and it is up to the user to decide where to drag and drop files.

Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileMove
Документация по MQL5: Файловые операции / FileMove
[in] Флаг, определяющий местоположение файла. Если common_flag=FILE_COMMON, то файл находится в общей папке всех клиентских терминалов \Terminal\Common\Files. В противном случае файл находится в локальной папке.( [in] Флаги доступа. Параметр может содержать только 2 флага: FILE_REWRITE и/или FILE_COMMON - остальные флаги игнорируются. Если файл...
Алексей Барбашин:


Before saving CORES.mqh and Internal_API.mqh files, you should either clear them before writing the new text or delete them. Otherwise, you will get rubbish if these files are not deleted before saving the project.

They are automatically overwritten. There is no litter in the Files folder from them.