how to withdraw funds from the dealing centre - page 9

Vladimir Karputov:

You never showedthePaymentssection in your profile

Here's a screenshot. I have already written that I see them in webterminal and previously sent screenshots I would not have posted them on the forum if it were so easy.

Helena Prusakevica:

I have already written that I can see them in webterminal and have sent screenshots before I would not have posted them on the forum if it were that simple.

Based on the added data:

1) There is money on the account.

2) The server works too.

So you need to determine which resource belongs to this server and contact directly there.

Helena Prusakevica:

i have already written that i see them in webterminal and i sent screenshots before. i would not have contacted the forum if it were that simple. i did not do it to pounce like kites, but to see if anyone has encountered the same situation and show that it may be.

If the funds are displayed on a real account in the web terminal -- so they are on the real account -- what does the brokerage company have to say on the account?

Is the account yours or not?

Take all correspondence with the DC, all correspondence with the "supervisor", take Golubev's conclusions and go to the bank immediately and cancel the payment.

Helena Prusakevica:

Well, I don't think everyone transfers at gunpoint.

It is another matter if a virus has made the transfer or a fraudster has used your account. But if you made the transfer yourself, the banks will not cancel such transfers.

The only good thing you can do is go to the police. But if they are citizens of another country, nothing will happen.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Go to the bank immediately and cancel the payment.

There she initially wrote that she has been unable to withdraw for half a year. It is unlikely that it is possible to cancel the payment after six months.

Most likely the funds are in the DC account they were credited to. They are simply not claimed by anyone, as the owner probably does not remember where these funds were credited. First of all, you need to find the brokerage company, send them the account number and ask about the fate of the funds. If the funds had been withdrawn or otherwise "messed up", it is unlikely that they would have been taken away at all. It is unlikely that the funds would even appear on the account in the terminal.

Vitaliy Maznev:

There she initially wrote that she had been unable to withdraw for half a year. It is unlikely that it is possible to cancel a payment after six months.

The funds are most likely in the same DC where they were deposited. They are simply not claimed by anyone, as the owner probably does not remember where these funds were credited. First of all, you need to find the brokerage company, send them the account number and ask about the fate of the funds. If the funds had been withdrawn or somehow "messed up", it is unlikely that they would have been taken away at all. It is unlikely that they would even appear on the account in the terminal.

It cannot be cancelled right away either.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

It cannot be cancelled outright either.

The issue is controversial. There are even cases of cancellation of payment for goods in online shops.

Vitaliy Maznev:

The issue is controversial. There are even cases of cancellation of payment for goods in online shops.

I don't know, I tried once within two hours of paying, I was told that since I made the payment myself, no, and I realised from the reaction of the bank employee that I looked like an idiot.

Vitaliy Maznev:

There she initially wrote that she had been unable to withdraw for half a year. It is unlikely that it is possible to cancel a payment after six months.

The funds are most likely in the same DC where they were deposited. They are simply not claimed by anyone, as the owner probably does not remember where these funds were credited. First of all, you need to find the brokerage company, send them the account number and ask about the fate of the funds. If the funds had been withdrawn or somehow "messed up", it is unlikely that they would have been taken away at all. If the funds had been withdrawn or otherwise "messed up", it is unlikely that they would even appear on the account in the terminal.

I remember the destination of the transfer was given and I wrote to them. They said they were redirected and could not help.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I don't know, I tried once within two hours of paying, I was told that since I made the payment myself, no, and I realised from the reaction of the bank employee that I looked like an idiot.

Depends on the bank too. Western organisations can be even more miraculous than that. I once paid for a domain on with something other than my card. The domain, of course, was peculiar - "". But the reason for refusing registration was that the name of the payer did not match the name of the person listed as the owner of the domain.