Sunset programming? - page 3

Uladzimir Izerski:

Visual Basic , for example, is based on this principle.

You can literally create programmes without any knowledge of the language.

A very good example. Both VBA for MS Word and VBA for MS Excel show how user actions can be clearly logged by turning them into code. Then, to generalize, you already have to write (loops, for example) to make the program work with new documents or tables, and here you can't do without a language. I also remember the case when MS changed the object model in Word 95 and had to rewrite some running programs.

And this is just text and pictures. Where can you get a stable unchanging model of something so that you only have to change a predefined list of parameters? The process of change of models and the emergence of new ones (both models and phenomena) is constant and there is nothing else to reflect it in information systems but programming languages. This is why there are more and more languages. VBA will not cover everything.


A very good example. Both VBA for MS Word and VBA for MS Excel show how user actions can be clearly logged, turning them into code. Then, to generalize, you already need to write (loops, for example) to make the program work with new documents or tables, and here you can't do without a language. I also remember a case where MS changed the object model in Word 95 and had to rewrite some running programs.

And this is just text and pictures. Where can you get a stable unchanging model of something so that you only have to change a predefined list of parameters? The process of change of models and the emergence of new ones (both models and phenomena) is constant, and there is nothing else to reflect it in information systems but programming languages. This is why there are more and more languages. VBA will not cover everything.

Understand that a list of parameters is a system (simplified). All systems are made up of parameters. Events and Object States, Processes and Object Forms all consist of parameters. They just have different assemblies. Therefore, there are no barriers.
Реter Konow:

I've had a look at it. I can't say anything definitive about it yet, but I think it has a different concept.

The point is that the code itself may soon become a relic. It can be programmed by voice commands.

For example (speak by voice):

New Object.


Create Template



Save template

Create three instances

Name instance 1 - "Base"

Edit instance 1

Establish links between the parameters

Filter values between X1 and X2.

Lower filter value - 10

Upper filter value - 100

Set value corrector (if value is below or above the range - correct by bringing it to the range and passing it to the parameter).

And so on...

What difference does it make, voice or some other organ.

Реter Konow:
Understand that a list of parameters is a system (simplified). All systems consist of parameters. Events and Object States, Processes and Object Forms, all consist of parameters. They just have different assemblies. Therefore, there are no barriers.

Yes, the sewing machine and the steam engine are mechanical assemblies based on threaded and riveted connections. Slightly different, but invented and studied long ago. And what, there's no need for designers and their tools? No need for the science of tolerances and fits, strength calculations? No barriers from the laws of physics, metallurgy, machining, organisation and production management?

If the system is a list of parameters, then instead of a relational database we get a meaningless and incoherent pile of tables. The approach is wrong.

I am wondering how to come up with a tool to speed up the creation of EAs for MT4/5. It would be good to tell by voice what the EA should do, or even better to have this tool convert the TOR to the ready EA. We should come up with high-level programming.
Yuriy Lyachshenko:
I'm thinking about how to come up with a tool to speed up creation of Expert Advisors for MT4/5. It would be good to have a voice message telling what the EA should do, or even better, this tool should convert TOR into ready-made EAs. We should come up with high-level programming.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to think of such a thing. There are a lot of variants for programming the same thing. Usually it takes me longer to sort out with the customer what he has to do than to do the work itself. And imagine that you will not be explaining it to a person, but to a robot. The robot will simply go crazy with your unprofessional communications about the various "wants". )))

Yuriy Lyachshenko:
I am wondering how to come up with a tool to speed up the creation of EAs for MT4/5. It would be good to tell by voice what the EA should do, or even better to have this tool convert the TOR to the ready EA. We should come up with high-level programming.
Реter Konow:

By the way, the visual studio I was going to create is built according to this principle:

One part of the controls belongs to the studio, the other part belongs to the user project.

The studio elements connect their parameters to the properties of the editable elements in the project and change their values. Next, the handler redraws them and voila!

The principle of editing in the visual studio is VERY simple. Just connect the parameters of the control and the item you want to edit.

Both the studio and the user project are in a common kernel, so the connection is just a pointer to a cell of the array (kernel) located in another cell of the same array (in the control element).

The gist is pretty damn simple and I would have made a studio a long time ago if anyone needed one.)


And client server implementations, and parallel threads with memory allocation, read write to output input ports, graphics operations like OpenGL.

Is it just me, or are you a 1st year student or just haven't encountered normal tasks, where you only have to think for a week?

I think that's where your thoughts about the end of programming come from, because elementary or useless abstract tasks are of no use to anyone.

Yuriy Lyachshenko:
I'm thinking here how to invent a tool that would accelerate creation of Expert Advisors for MT4/5. It would be good to tell by voice what the EA should do, or even better, this tool will convert the TOR to the ready EA. We should come up with high-level programming.

And how's that going?

High-level programming? Do you want to come up with your own? Is logic all right? How quickly can you write code without errors with if then at least up to ten levels of nesting? That's where the ability to convert the TOR into a ready-made Expert Advisor will come from. And what if you make mistakes with your "perfect logic"? How to perform debugging?


Guys, come on, no illusions.

One guy is going to write a new studio, based on his experience in creating four objects, but has not thought through compilation and debugging.

Another one is going to create a new high-level language, without understanding the complexity of multi-level logical problems.

I'm shocked... What gave rise to this topic's name? From a lack of understanding?