Sunset programming? - page 2

Vladimir Mametov:

The maximum you can get is a constructor, which has certain limitations

I don't see any limitations yet. Maybe there will be...
Реter Konow:

By the way, the visual studio I was going to create is built according to this principle:

One part of the controls belongs to the studio, the other part belongs to the user project.

The studio elements connect their parameters to the properties of the editable elements in the project and change their values. Next, the handler redraws them and voila!

The principle of editing in the visual studio is VERY simple. Just connect the parameters of the control and the item you want to edit.

Both the studio and the user project are in a common kernel, so the connection is just a pointer to a cell of the array (kernel) located in another cell of the same array (in the control element).

The idea is pretty damn simple and I would have made a studio a long time ago if anyone needed one.))

You only get a small link to make programming easier. For complex tasks you need huge bases of templates and links.

One can't do it alone.

It can be done for certain tasks. You have to look for a consumer.

Denis Sartakov:

there is a language unlike any other.


I've had a look at it. I can't say anything definite about it yet, but I think it has a different concept.

The point is that the code itself may soon become a relic. It can be programmed by voice commands.

For example (speak by voice):

New Object.


Create Template



Save template

Create three instances

Name copy 1 - "Foundation"

Edit instance 1

Set links between the parameters

Filter values between X1 and X2.

Lower filter value - 10

Upper filter value - 100

Set value corrector (if value is below or above the range - correct by bringing it to the range and passing it to the parameter).

And so on...

Uladzimir Izerski:

You will only get a small link to make programming easier. For complex tasks, you need huge databases of patterns and links.

This cannot be done by one person alone.

It can be done for certain tasks. You have to look for a consumer.

Yes, but the beauty is the speed with which these templates can be created using studio and voice. And all without any code. It would be a revolution.
By the way, the method of storing such objects is as concise as possible. They are chains of parameters and their relationships and nothing more. Once the template is stored, you can inherit, create instances, modify and store it as a new template and new modifications from it. A whole evolution of objects turns out...
Реter Konow:
Yes, but the beauty is the speed with which these templates can be created using studio and voice. And all without any code. It's going to be a revolution.

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:

Cool stuff, although you can see that it needs some work.

Looked in the Logic section and saw the condition icons. The studio is trying to build code. I have a different approach. There will be no code at all. Only object relations. And the object in my view is a parameter, its selection, form, links with other parameters, value handlers (filters, converters, correctors), assemblers, events, states and so on... From all this, any object can be assembled and tested without real-time compilation.

This whole block-building thing has been around for quite some time. But when creating large projects, it is only suitable for some individual pieces of the project. Well, by the way, although one does not write code himself/herself using these templates, but it still applies by default and was written in some way.
Well, and if programming as such dies. Then the process stops where no one will write new, more optimized solutions anymore. Everything will boil down to twin programs. If there is a hidden bug, it will be automatically cloned by this template into everything where its code will be applied.
So until they create a real AI and not the parodies they pass off as AI today. It is too early to talk about the death of programming.

By the way, in case anyone doesn't know what an Event or State object looks like and how to connect it to a parameter construct being created:

Event or State are assemblies of parameters and their preset values. No more than that. Therefore, by connecting a handler to them you can easily build any event model.

Konstantin Nikitin:
This whole block build thing has been around for quite some time. But when creating large projects it is suitable only for certain separate parts of the project. Well, by the way, although one does not write code himself/herself using these templates, it is still applied by default and some code was written.
Well, and if programming as such dies. Then the process stops where no one will write new, more optimized solutions anymore. Everything will boil down to twin programs. If there is a hidden bug, it will be automatically cloned by this template into everything where its code will be applied.
So until they create a real AI, not the parodies they pass off as AI today. It is too early to talk about the death of programming.

That's right. Only it's much easier to hook an AI up to a block-based Object representation system than it is to teach it how to write code. The block system of assembly is much faster. Doesn't require years of training. Objects are tested without compile time delay because they don't leave the running studio. Huge potential to automate parts of the build and testing process. Ability to connect neural networks.

I think the future belongs to the block system.