On the unequal probability of a price move up or down - page 184


Oops, when did we become "you"?

I don't need your respect, thank you.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

So on the forum as well as in the bathhouse everyone is equal.(in case anyone didn't get it)) everyone is naked)))) Aren't you the only one in the bathhouse and wearing a royal crown:at...%;#() Uh-huh-guh-guh-guh. I can see that.))

And who decided that? What is this, a neighborhood hangout? Don't the rules of politeness apply here? What do the forum rules say?


Who decided that? What is this, a backyard hangout? Don't the rules of civility apply here? What do the forum rules say?

They are only well-intentioned, moderators do not always respond even to direct insults. That is why some people act according to the principle: whatever I want, that's what I do).


It's only good intentions, moderators don't always react even to direct insults. That's why some people act according to the principle: what I want is what I do).

Wishful thinking has nothing to do with it.

If a forum member is trying to show that he would be educated, he must show that he not only has some knowledge, but also that he is well-educated.

In an intelligent environment, all communication takes place respectfully and only in the name of you, regardless of age and degree of intelligence.

Renat Akhtyamov:


red MOEX, yellow FOREX

working two trades, one there, one there

left to sew the bags.


What, are you making gifts like that? Come on, be careful.

Sorry guys. Wrong forum. Keep fighting.